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W'eneber he wuz'n wukkin' ef eatin', he'd be sleepin'. Wen de yuther niggers 'ud be sky-larkin' 'roun' nights en' Sundays, Skundus 'ud be soun' asleep in his cabin. Things kep' on dis way fer 'bout a mont' atter Cindy went away, w'en one mawnin' Skundus didn't come ter wuk.

The carpenters took down the addition, and the wedding presents were shipped to town. "She says she’ll be goin’ soon," said Lucinda to Joshua. "Then she’ll be goin’ soon," said Joshua. "I’m sure I’ll be glad," said Lucinda; "such hifalutin sky-larkin’!" Joshua said nothing. Mr.

Yew want ter cut loose from this all-fired old ladies' shebang an' go sky-larkin'." Abe hung on Samuel's words, his eyes a-twinkle with anticipation. "Yes yes, go sky-larkin'! Won't we make things hum?" "Thar's hummin' an' hummin'," objected Abe, with a sudden show of caution. "Miss Abigail thinks more o' wash-day than some folks does o' heaven. Wharabouts dew yew cak'late on a-goin'?"

Then just before the horn sounded for supper, a knock came at the door. "Come in!" called Anne, buttoning her white suede boots. "'S onny me. Ah jes' wanta ast you-all ef it is right in city sassiety, fur a widder of six months' standin' t' go t' a party whar onny old frien's will be. Thar won't be no sky-larkin' er high-jinks, yo' know!"

Whin he whishtled they began to rage roun' the room an' carry on tremenjus. But I niver want to hear men laugh as they did sky-larkin' too! 'Twas like mad jackals. "'Shtop that blasted noise! sez O'Hara in the dark, an' pop goes the room lamp. I cud hear O'Hara runnin' up an' the rattlin' av my rifle in the rack an' the men breathin' heavy as they stud roun' my cot.

Twict thirty-six is sivinty-two, less eight is sixty-four, an' nine, carry wan, let me see. Well, Hinnissy is ol' enough to know betther. "We wint to th' pond together, an' passed th' time iv day with our frinds an' watched th' boys an' girls playin' shinny an' sky-larkin' hand in hand. They come separate, Jawn; but they go home together, thim young wans.

Two days in the bath restored them wonderfully, and when the worthy commodore eventually got them back to the hotel he announced that henceforth the lid was on and on tight. Captain Scraggs, who was hard to manage in his cups and the most prodigal of prodigals with steam up to a certain pressure, demurred at this. "No more sky-larkin', Scraggsy, you old cut-up," Mr. Gibney ordered.