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"Why, out to that nigger settlement jest the other side of Jonesville." "How do you know they'll vote for you?" says I. "I'd like to see 'em vote aginst me!" says he, in a skairful way. "Would you use intimidation, Josiah Allen?"

When lo, and behold! jest as she wuz a-thinkin' these thoughts, she see this wild and skairful machine approachin', and Deacon Henzy a-standin' up on top of it a-drivin'. He looked wild and excited, bein' very tickled to think that he had threshed more with his machine, by twenty bushels, than Deacon Petengill had with his.

I spoze it wuz Josiah's skairful talk that brung it onto me, it wuz brung on nite mairs mostly, in the nite time. I suffered.

He dropped that skairful look in a minute, and put on a firm, judicial one. He gin up; he could not skair me to death: and says he, "Oh, yes! they have been changed in cases of necessity." Says I, "For instance, durin' the late war, it was changed to make Northern men cheap blood-hounds and hunters." "Yes," he said. "It seemed to be a case of necessity and econimy."

"Why, I hain't seen you look so sort o' skairful and riz up, for years, Samantha." "I hain't felt so. To think of the brink you wuz a standin' on, and jest a fallin' off of." Josiah looked quite bad. And he put his hand on his side, and says, "My heart beats as if it wuz a tryin' to get out and walk round the room. I do believe I have got population of the heart."

But I wuz glad enough that Josiah wuz absent, for this time the noise wuz so skairful that when Ury ketched Philury round the waist and absconded with her, he didn't stop till they had ploughed through the snow clear past the old hen house.

And as for respect, such a life as his, from all I hear of it, don't need crape to throw respect on it; it commands respect, and gets it from everybody." "But," sez Cephas, "it would look dretful odd to the neighbors if she didn't dress in black." Sez he in a skairful tone, and in his intense way "I would ruther resk my life than to have her fail in duty in this way; it would make talk.

But I did contend for it to the last, that I didn't believe a rostrum would be any more tottlin' and skairful a place than the barell I had been a-standin' on all day, nor the work I'd do on it any harder than the scrapin' of the ceilin' of that meetin house. And I don't believe it would, I stand jest as firm on it to-day as I did then.

So Josiah and I sot off alone, and he bein' in good sperits and bein' gin to new and strange projects, proposed that we should take an ortomobile. I didn't favor the idee and said: "Id'no about it, Josiah, I feel kinder skairful about ortos, I fear that it might prove our last ride." "But," sez he, "with a good shuffler there hain't any danger."

The Four Cowboys on a Tear guardin' the entrance to the Pike confronted us and in their wild and boysterous hilarity seemed to my agitated and forebodin' sperit to shadow forth what we would find inside their domain. They wuz a strange and skairful set, their clothes wuz rough and disheveled and so wuz their linements.