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But owin' to Ernest White's labors and prayers and votes, his and all other good ministers and earnest helpers, Jonesville went no-license now jest as Loontown did last year. And jest as Satan always duz if he gits holt of souls that he can't buy or skair, he will try to cheat 'em, he is so suttle.

It wuz the result of arjous study on his part, by night and day, for a long, long time, and it wuz what he called "A Travellin' Rat Trap." It wuz designed to sort o' chase the rats round and skair 'em. It was spozed he got the idee in the first place from his threshin' machine.

He dropped that skairful look in a minute, and put on a firm, judicial one. He gin up; he could not skair me to death: and says he, "Oh, yes! they have been changed in cases of necessity." Says I, "For instance, durin' the late war, it was changed to make Northern men cheap blood-hounds and hunters." "Yes," he said. "It seemed to be a case of necessity and econimy."

Or did you speak of changin' the unalterable laws of the United States tampering with the Constitution?" "Yes, that is what I said. Hain't they never been changed?" He dropped that skairful look and put on a firm judicial one. He see that he could not skair me to death; an' sez he, "Oh, yes, they've been changed in cases of necessity."

He jumped right up on his feet, in his surprise, and kinder shook, as if he was skairt most to death, and tremblin' with borrow. He did it to skair me, I knew; and I wuz most skaird, I confess, he acted so horrowfied. But I knew I meant well towards the Constitution, and our old 4 fathers; and my principles stiddied me, and held me middlin' firm and serene.

We didn't go in, but Josiah slipped in one day when I wuzn't with him, and he described it to me. He owned up to me that he had. And he said he did it to keep me from havin' sech a skair. "Why," sez he, "a woman that is afraid of a gobbler, and runs from a snake

Bernard; but I told Josiah, "Santi or not, I wouldn't want to meet it alone in the back lane in the evenin'." It would skair a young child into fits to go through this department; some of them wild creeters look so ferocious, especially the painters, they made my blood fairly curdle. Wall, we stayed here for some time, or until my ear-pans seemed to be ruined for life.

"And then," sez he, a-brightenin' up, "I don't want to skair you. You'd most probable be skairt into a fit if it should break loose and start off independent into space. And it would take away all my enjoyment of such a pleasure excursion to see you a-layin' on the earth in a fit." Sez I, "It hain't vests or affection that holds you back, Josiah Allen it's fear."

It wuz the result of arjous study on his part, by night and day, for a long, long time, and it wuz what he called "A Travellin' Rat Trap." It wuz designed to sort o' chase the rats round and skair 'em. It was spozed he got the idee in the first place from his threshin' machine.

Or did the big leap down Niagara skair it so that it run away and never stopped runnin' until it got all confused and light-headed among these countless islands, and wandered away and got lost and by the side of itself? Deep antiquarian conundrums; stern geological interests!