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I'm new in the sicht o' God an' He's new in mine an' I prayed this mornin', a thing I haena dune for mair than twenty years an' the auld burn was sweet an' clear, like when my laddie's lips sippit there lang syne I daurna speak His name ower often, but God is gey guid to the sinfu' an' the weary." "None but they can know how good," was my response.

And now they are gripping to the bow and to the spear, when they suld be mourning for a sinfu' land and a broken covenant. "Soothing the old man by letting his peculiar opinions pass without contradiction, and anxious to prolong conversation with so singular a character, I prevailed upon him to accept that hospitality, which Mr Cleishbotham is always willing to extend to those who need it.

He canna build a fire wi'oot scorchin' his fingers. He lays hold o' a paddle like a three months' babby. He bids ye pit yer trust i' the Lord, an' himself rises up wi' a start every time a wolf raises the long howl at nicht. I didna believe there was ever sae helpless a creature. An' for a' that he's the laddie that's here tae show the heathen thae puir, sinfu' heathen, mind ye how tae find grace.

"It's very good for those who wish to forget," said he; "I am going to remember!" "May God forgive you for sinfu' waste!" cried my father aloud. "And for well-nigh braining an officer of his Majesty's infantry!" said old Major Elliott, putting his head over the hedge. "I could have done with a nip after a morning's walk, but it is something new to have a whole bottle whizz past my ear.

He's owned! he's owned! I lived but for this. I am a sinfu' woman; but if my curse brought it down, my blessing has taen it off! And now I wad hae liked to hae said mair. But it canna be. Stay' she continued, stretching her head towards the gleam of light that shot through the narrow slit which served for a window 'is he not there? Stand out o' the light, and let me look upon him ance mair.

Roy had the trained eyesight and the steady nerve which made it lawfu' for him; for you or me it had been suicide naething less sinfu'. Three or four glasses o' whiskey are safer for some men than twa for you. I hae been feeling it my duty to tell you this for some time.

The execution is to take place on Monday morning, Cuthbert." "Aye, me laird. I hope the puir, sinfu' lad will mak' guid use o' the short time left him and repent o' a' his misdeeds, and seek his peace wi' his Maker," said the old man solemnly. The viscount heaved a heavy sigh; a sigh that seemed laden with a weight of agony.

There's a wrong balance somewhere, but where, 'tis not easy to find out." "Weel," said Macfarlane, "I can give ye a direct contradeection to your theory. Scotland lies to the north, and ye'll not find a grander harvest o' sinfu' souls anywhere between this an' the day o' judgment.

"That is what I mean." "Weel, I'm free to say Colin kens how to choose grand subjects. I didna think there was so much in a picture. I wouldna dare to keep that poor dear prince in my house. I shouldna be worth a bawbee at the works. It was a wonderfu' wise step, that forbidding o' pictures in the kirks. I can vera weel see how they would lead to a sinfu' idolatry."

"Sinfu', shamefu', heaven-daring times!" answered Deans, in a lower and more subdued tone. "For my part," continued Saddletree, swelling with importance, "what between the distress of my friends, and my poor auld country, ony wit that ever I had may be said to have abandoned me, sae that I sometimes think myself as ignorant as if I were inter rusticos.