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They both examined the hat, and Alex said in German to Morris: 'Den selben Hut haben wir gehabt. Letzes Jahr haben wir sechzehn und ein halb den Dutzen bezahlt. Last year we paid sixteen and a half a dozen. "Then Alex turned to me he was a noted bluffer and said in English: 'Hefens alife! Nine tollars! Vy, I pought 'em last year for sefen and a half! "I never saw such a bold stand in my life.

Here I vork sefen days in de veek from sefen in de morning to elefen at night, and sometimes twelf. Only vonce last year I go to t'eater in de afternoon. Ven I com home I catch 'ell from my vife. She say, "You safe money, Sam, and we get oud of dese bondage," and I say I must haf a leetle recreations. Sunday all day I keep open.

It was limp, little, strong, and looked meaty. As he raised his eyes wonderingly from a certain sentence, he encountered the glance of the fat old German dealer. "Will this little book stand reading more than once, sir?" Bedient asked. "Ja but vat a little-boy question! Ven you haf read sefen times the year for sefen years you a man vill haf become."

"What kind of a limit suits you?" "Anything from five cents to the sky," was the laughing reply. "Fix it to suit yourselves." Once more Gage and Snell exchanged glances. Bart stuck for a moderate limit, but he finally agreed to make it a dollar, the ante being five cents. "Vell, uf I had pad luck, I don'd last long at dot," said Hans. "I don'd haf more as four tollars und sefen cends."

"Sefen hundert and feefty rupees," said he uncompromisingly. He was abrupt, blunt, and insulting. As we wanted transportation very much though not seven hundred and fifty rupees' worth we persisted. He offered an imperturbable take-it-or-leave-it stolidity. The motor truck stood near. I said something technical about the engine; then something more. He answered these remarks, though grudgingly.