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So a tugged, and a lugged, and t' whale didn't mistake it for ticklin', but she cocks up her tail, and throws out showers o' water as were ice or iver it touched me; but a pulls on at t' shank, an' a were only afeard as she wouldn't keep at t' top wi' it sticking in her; but at last t' harpoon broke, an' just i' time, for a reckon she was near as tired o' me as a were on her, and down she went; an' a had hard work to make for t' boats as was near enough to catch me; for what wi' t' whale's being but slippery an' t' watter being cold, an' me hampered wi' t' line an' t' piece o' harpoon, it's a chance, missus, as thou had stopped an oud maid.

'Well, said he at last; 'a mought be a young man a-goin' a wooin', by t' pains thou'st taken for t' match my oud clothes. I don't care if they're patched wi' scarlet, a tell thee; so as thou'lt work away at thy tale wi' thy tongue, same time as thou works at thy needle wi' thy fingers.

'Shake it, Jennings, says I; 'that's the way they make water run through a funnel, when it's o'er full; and a child's mouth is broad end o' th' funnel, and th' gullet the narrow one. So he shook it, but it only cried th' more. 'Let me have it, says I, thinking he were an awkward oud chap. But it were just as bad wi' me.

"Come, wench," said Job, "don't look so gloppened* because thou'st fallen asleep while an oud chap like me was talking on oud times. It were like enough to send thee to sleep. Try if thou canst keep thine eyes open while I read thy father a bit on a poem as is written by a weaver like oursel. A rare chap I'll be bound is he who could weave verse like this." *Gloppened; amazed, frightened.

The song was always a teasing of her and carried all his friendly laughter at her, because of her German ways; but it became softly exultant whenever she betrayed her interest in him. "Libra Ogostine, she afraid I go penitensh?" he inquired. "Me!" she jeered with uneasy laughter. "I ain'd care! but you you don' look oud, you git in dod voikhouse!"

Der Grasshopper is a goot leedle monoplane, but I am afraid dat some of der principles I have worked oud in her iss all wrong. Some day I break mein neck by der outside I am afraid much." "Why you've done some good flying in the Grasshopper," consoled Harry. "Ches, she is a goot leedle ship, bud she vont vin dees race, I dink. By der vay, boys, I have been meaning to warn you aboud dot Frenchman."

I' hoo be dead and gwoan, tell mo, sir, and aw'll goo whoam again, for mo oud lass be main lonesome beout mo, and we'll wait till we goo to her, for hoo winnot coom no moor to us. Col. G. For anything I know, your daughter is alive and well. Bring her here, I say, and I will make you happy. Th. Aw shannot want thes or thi silverings either to mak mo happy then, maister.

"Toctor!" screamed Hans. "Will yez get away fram thot dure, so Oi can open it?" "Ged avay dot toor from mineself!" flung back the Dutch boy. "I ged me to dot toor first, und I peen der first von oud!" "Oh, ye will, will yez! We'll see about thot!" Biff! smack! thud! thump!

I only wish they'd cotched Boucher, and had him up before Hamper. I see th' oud tiger setting on him! would he ha' let him off? Not he! 'Mr. Thornton was right, said Margaret. You are angry against Boucher, Nicholas; or else you would be the first to see, that where the natural punishment would be severe enough for the offence, any farther punishment would be something like revenge.

I spoil your pig-pen, but your pig-pen spoil my suit and your sow scare me oud of TWO years' growth." "Now, don't get funny. Fork over fifty dollars or you go to the constable." Old Schmidt's face was a study. Finally, however, he produced a fat wallet, and peeling off two twenty-dollar bills and a ten, he handed them over with a sigh.