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They ain't the stary, baby blue sort, you know. China blue describes 'em best, I guess; and they're the calm, steady kind that it's sort of restful and fascinatin' to watch. Almost before we know it she's stepped to the front and started in on the programme. Italian folk songs is what is down on the card, and she leads off with that swingin' rollickin' piece, "Santa Lucia." You've heard it, eh?

And so it passed through th' undherwurruld that th' color line was not to be dhrawn anny more, an' Hogan says that almost anny time he ixpicts to see a black face peerin' through a window an' in a few years I'll be takin' in laundhry in a basement instead iv occypyin' me present impeeryal position, an' ye'll be settin' in front iv ye'er cabin home playin' on a banjo an' watchin' ye'er little pickahinnissies rollickin' on th' ground an' wondhrn' whin th' lynchin' party'll arrive.

"I allow funerals is joyous things an' nigger lynchin's is real comic," he declared hoarsely. "But fer real rollickin' merriment I never see the equal o' this yer gatherin'. I sure don't think it 'ud damp things any ef I was to give 'em a Doxology." The miner responded with a pensive smile.

"Wish I could take trouble as easy as that boy," sighed Mammy. "It slides right off'n him like watah off a duck's back." "He's like the rollin' stone that gethah's no moss," remarked Uncle Billy. "He goes rollickin' through the days, from sunup 'twel sundown, so fast that disappointment and sorrow get rubbed off befo' they kin strike root."

They's several av 'em. Don't forgit, Phil; I know I'd die for your sake." "O'mie, I believe you, but don't be uneasy about me. You know me as well as anybody in this town. What have I to fear?" "Begorra, there was niver a purer-hearted boy than you iver walked out of a fun-lovin', rollickin' boyhood into a clane, honest manhood. You can't be touched."

He wasn't rollickin' and free no more, but looked serious and busy. Havaner was a big town, so there was a lot of switchin' to do, and Willie just said, "Good luck, boys," and disappeared sommers between cars. Then we started up the street, goin' to the steamboat landin'. It must have been more'n a mile; and the sun was goin' down now and we began to wonder about the night.

Have it as you will; but let me go on and I will deal with facts, too. When did you last see Lucile?" "An' why are ye askin'?" he demanded, suspiciously. "Never mind why. The fact." "Well, thin, the fore part iv last night, an' much good may it do ye." "And danced with her?" "A rollickin' Virginia reel, an' not sayin' a word iv a quadrille or so. Tis at square dances I excel meself."

"It must be a nice way of passin' a rainy Sunday," said the Cap'n, sarcastically, pushing the plate back across the table; "set and look at that and hum a pennyr'yal hymn! It's sartinly a rollickin' life you're leadin', Mister Crymble." Mr. Crymble did not retort.