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The merry twinkle in his eye was the only confession he ever made. Small wonder that I loved Sant. If I were writing a testimonial for myself I should say that it was much to my credit that I loved a boy like that. As a boy my risibilities were easily excited, and I'm glad that, even yet, I have not entirely overcome that weakness.

Loeb's risibilities that he dropped his hand over Miss Cleone St. Claire's, completely covering yet not touching it. "You're a scream, kiddo! Gee! I like you!" She drank with her chin flung up and her throat very white. "Bubbles! Bubbles! God bless all my troubles!" "Well, I'll be darned!" said Mr. Kahn, smiling at her. "The gemmemen from out of town?" "St. Louis."

His study-cap would upset a judge's risibilities. Scrap books with droll caricatures and facetiæ. An odd stove, exciting your wonder as to where the coal is put in or the poker thrust for a shaking. All the works of Douglass Jerrold, and Sydney Smith, and Sterne, the scalawag ecclesiastic. India-rubber faces capable of being squashed into anything. Puzzles that you cannot untangle.

The idea of being able to scare such a giant excited the young lady's risibilities so powerfully that she could not contain herself, but, to her great horror, broke suddenly forth into a warbling ecstasy of laughter. Bressant looked around, in great surprise. It was an occasion for presence of mind. Something must be done at once. "Hush! hold perfectly still!

I fancy detecting a shadow of amusement passing over the face of the gentleman as his servant departs, and when he returns with the intelligence that the chicken won't be tender enough to eat for another hour, his risibilities get the better of his politeness and he gives way to uncontrollable laughter.

He had found that common men, butchers and bakers and candlestick makers, could be as brave for their Kaiser as he. And more of these officers had the Iron Cross than not. The prevalence of Iron Crosses appealed to the risibilities of the superficial observer. But in this, too, there was system.

The fellow behind the horse, too sure of his safety, too contemptuous of this shepherd schoolmaster whose notorious simplicity had gone abroad in the sheeplands exciting the rough risibilities of men, was careless of whether his target stood still or ran; he did not lift his eyes from the reloading of his gun to see.

Then she could say what she chose of her "little girl" without appealing to the risibilities of her audience. Persis, distracted for a moment by the false alarm of a twisting seam, soon returned to her guns. With a skill Annabel was forced to admire, she veiled her cruelty in compliment. "Diantha is a pretty girl. Pretty and clever with her tongue.

He was scolding violently and flourishing a cane. The vision tickled the artists' risibilities. It was all they could do to keep their laughter within the limits of courtesy. Lilienfeld roared and called for the porter, and thundered unmercifully at a charwoman happening to stray on the empty stage.

The sight was too much for the risibilities of the Irish boy, and he forgot that he had been severely bitten by "centipades." "Begorra! Dutchy, this is a roight loively avening, Oi do belave," he chuckled. "Will yez look at this fer a racket, Oi dunno! Hurro! Sail in, b'ys!" "Vell, I don't efer seen der peat uf dot!" gasped Hans, his eyes bulging.