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"Now by Og, I say by Og and Gog, mam! She is my ward, and so long as I am her guardian she shall obey " "I say boh! Jack Chumly, I say bah!" mocked the Duchess, nodding her head at him. "Cleone is much too clever for you or any other man, and there is only one woman in this big world who is a match for her, and that woman is me.

In Lucian's amusing Dialogue, entitled "Charon," when Mercury points out the tomb of Achilles on Cape Sigaeum and that of Ajax on the Rhoetaean promontory, Charon wants to see Nineveh, with Troy, Babylon, Mycenae, and Cleone, the following being the conversation; "I want to point out to you," says Mercury, "the tomb of Achilles: you see it on the sea?

The Duchess tittered. "Dear heart! how tragic you are!" she sighed. "Suppose she did, what then? And besides hum! This time it is young D'Arcy, it seems, callow, pink, and quite harmless." "Madam?" said Barnabas, wondering. "Over there behind the marble faun, quite harmless, and very pink, you'll notice. I mean young D'Arcy not the faun. Clever minx! Now I mean Cleone, of course there she is!"

"Cleone!" he said. At the touch she rose and stood looking round the dingy room like one distraught, and, sighing, crossed unsteadily to the door. And when they reached the stair, Barnabas would have taken her hand because of the dark, but she shrank away from him and shook her head. "Sir," said she very softly, "a murderer's sister needs no help, I thank you."

Now here Barnabas looked at Cleone, and sighed, and Cleone sighing also, nodded her head: "You must go," said she, very softly, and sighed again. "Yes, I must go, and yet it is so very soon, Cleone!" "Yes, it is dreadfully soon, Barnabas. But what does he mean by saying that people are talking of you to your disparagement? How dare they? Why should they?"

"Therefore, gentlemen," pursued the Marquis, "with our host's permission, we will " "Stay a moment, Jerningham," said the Viscount, "it is only right to tell you that my friend Beverley is one with us in this, he also is a suitor for the hand of Lady Cleone." "Is he, b'gad!" exclaimed the Captain. "Dooce take me!" said the Marquis, "might have known it though.

So it was of Lady Cleone Meredith he thought as he strode along the moonlit highway, and it was of her that he was thinking as he turned into that narrow by-lane where stood "The Spotted Cow."

But this I must tell you, while you lay here, very near death, I came to see you often with my dear father." "Ah!" exclaimed Barnabas, "then you met her?" "Yes, I met Cleone, and I loved her. She was very tired and worn, the first time I saw her; you were delirious, and she had watched over you all night.

"Certainly, Bo'sun, what is it?" inquired Barnabas, looking up from the destruction of the many attempts of his first letter to Cleone. "Mr. Beverley, sir," said the Bo'sun, pegging away at the carpet as he spoke, "is it meaning no offence, and axing your pardon, but are you hauling your wind and standing away for Hawkhurst so prompt on 'account o' my Lady Cleone?"

She knows not only all their own peccadillos, but the sins of their great-grandmothers as well. She fears nothing on the earth, or under the earth, and respects no one not even me. Only about half an hour ago she informed me that I was a well, she told me precisely what I was, and she can be painfully blunt, Beverley, just because Cleone happens to have refused me again."