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For some time after his exit nothing was said, but finally Margaret, standing near the window, began to look for the ends of the broken thread of discourse. "Now, let me see." To help her out Starbuck volunteered his services. "We had got to whar I was the biggest fool when I tried. Don't you ricolleck?" "Oh, you want to git back to whar you was tryin' to pick a quarrel with me, do you?"

Instantly Laz became animated, but without a change of countenance: "Say, ricolleck that feller lived over our way, had a white hoss one day come along and " The cup ran over. "You ain't very good at shoutin', air you?" "Whoa," said Laz. Jasper tilted the jug to his own lips and Laz drained the cup. Starbuck made a motion with the jug toward Margaret and she shook her head with a shudder.

But ef you help a feller with the idee of it a makin' you happy, it won't, somehow. It's like the card player a givin' a man money becaze he thinks it will fetch him good luck. I ricolleck one time I seed a big feller a bullyin' a po' little devil, an' I told him to quit an' he wouldn't, an' I whaled him.

Why, if necessity demanded, I could load a shot-gun with tears an' scald a enemy to death. I don't know quite as much about my folks as you do yourn, but I kin ricolleck a red puddle on the doorstep. So now, we air standin' on equal ground.

Ricolleck one little chap that didn't look like he was strong enough to pull up a handful o' white clover snatched up a flag, butted his way to the front and put his colors on the breastworks o' the inimy." "I thank you," Tom replied. "But you don't seem to be astonished that the preacher wasn't scared." "Who, Jim? Oh, no. Jim's a Starbuck."

Starbuck, you ricolleck I told you I had that old-fashioned, single-barrel cap-an'-ball pistol. Here it is." He drew forth an old pistol. "Peters, I'd advise you to come after me with a mo' improved weepin." "Oh, I'll do that an' with help from off yander, when the time comes. I ain't atter you yit. I jest wanted to give you one mo' chance.

"It's fine to see you again, Sol," said Henry. "Are the others well?" "When I last saw 'em," replied the shiftless one. "Tell me how you ran across my trail and what went before," said Henry, as they sat down on a fallen log together. "You'll ricolleck," said Shif'less Sol, "that you told us not to hunt you ef you didn't come back, but to go on with the fleet.

Didn't think nuthin' about it till I got nearly home an' I foun' myse'f a whistlin' like a bird, an' all that day I was as happy as a lark." "Of co'se, ef you had a fight," Margaret spoke up. "To you it was like eatin' a piece o' June apple pie. Ah, don't I ricolleck once when we went to a political speakin'? I reckon I do.

"Dick, do your ricolleck the fight you and a coon had out on the limb of that tree over yonder, one night?" queried Billy, nudging his companion in the ribs. "He come mighty nigh gittin' the best of you." "He tore one sleeve out of my jacket, and mammy gimme a beatin' besides," giggled Dick. "And say, Billy, wasn't it fun the day we killed old man Lee's puddle ducks for wild ones?

"Oh, I tell you," said Jasper, tugging at the buckle, "Jim ain't been preachin' ten years fur nothin'. Wall, mighty fur nothin', too; for I ricolleck that one winter all he got was a pa'r of blue jeens britches an' fo' pa'r of wool socks. And if I don't cuss this thing in a minit more I'll be about fitten to preach." "Mr. Starbuck," Mrs.