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And Rasco told of the letter received and of how Nellie was missing and no trace of her could be found anywhere. Dick was almost as much disturbed as Rasco, for he still carried in his mind a picture of the beautiful girl he had saved from Juan Donomez's insults. "Can the Mexican have waylaid her?" he asked. "Perhaps," said the man of the plains. "But I've hunted the city high and low."

"Moike was sayin' his head throubles him a good bit." "So it does, and that's why I am so worried. When he gets those awful pains he is apt to walk away and keep right on without knowing where he is going." "Poor mon! Oi wisht Oi could help yez. Mebbe Moike will be back soon. Ain't Jack Rasco about?" "No, he is off with Pawnee Brown, too.

"To think o' the red rascal a-takin' thet young leddy off!" she cried. "I know her by thet photygraph! Och, the villain! An' it moight have been Rosy Delaney, bad cess to him!" "Show me the exact trail he followed," said Rasco, and this the Irish woman did willingly.

Mebbe yer kin lift a weight off o' his shoulders. The poor old fellow creation! wot's that?" Jack Rasco stopped short and pulled up his horse. A wild, unearthly scream rent the air, rising and falling on the wind of the night. The scream was followed by a burst of laughter which was truly demoniacal. Pawnee Brown pulled his horse up on his haunches. What was this new mystery which confronted him?

"We will divide up into parties of two," said Pawnee Brown, and this was done, and soon he and Jack Rasco were bounding over the trail leading toward the Indian Territory, while others were setting off in the direction of Arkansas City and elsewhere. "Something curious about them air Arbuckles," observed Rasco as they flew along side by side.

"Down with the reds!" came in the ringing voice of Jack Rasco, and he appeared from out of a cloud of smoke, closely followed by Dan Gilbert and Dick. "Pawnee! Am I in time? I hope ter Heaven I am!" "Jack!" cried the great scout. A slash of Rasco's hunting knife and he was free.

"I'm in a hurry, Powell, but I'll take one glass," concluded Louis Vorlange, and the two men hurried from the reading-room. "He is the man I feel certain of it!" burst from Dick's lips, when he felt safe to speak. "Rasco, there is some mystery here. My father " He stopped short and bit his lip. "I know wot's in yer mind, Dick.

The youth's face was full of concern. "My father's money was in new bills," he whispered into his companion's ear. Rasco nodded, but quickly motioned for silence. "I reckon this is drinks on me," said Powell, arising. "Come down to the bar before you go back to the cavalry camp."

I have accused him of following me to the West. I am inclined to think he robbed me " "I did not," ejaculated Powell Dike, for such really was his name. "I believe you," replied Pawnee Brown. He had spoken to Dick and Rasco of this man. "But you know who did rob Mortimer Arbuckle," he went on, significantly. "I I do not," answered Powell Dike, but his lips trembled. "You lie, Dike.

Better jine the circus!" "Oi'll show the mule!" yelled Mike, and rushed in again. But once more Billy turned and got out of the way, and this time he caught the seat of Mike's trousers between his teeth and lifted the frightened man six feet from the ground. "Don't! Let me down! Somebody save me!" yelled the terrorized son of Erin. "Rosy! Clemmer! Rasco! Hit him! Shoot him! Make him let go av me!