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A Captain Arbuckle commanded the garrison of the fort, erected at Point Pleasant, after the battle fought by General Lewis with the Indians at that place, in October, 1774. In the succeeding year, when the revolutionary war had commenced, the agents of Great Britain exerted themselves to excite the Indians to hostility against the United States.

Who murdered Rickwell was not discovered. But he had occupied a room with another man, a mining agent from New York named Mortimer Arbuckle, the father of this lad here, and some thought Arbuckle had done the foul deed, and he had to run away to escape the fury of a mob. The horror of this occurrence unbalanced the man's mind and to this day he sometimes thinks he may be guilty.

Mortimer Arbuckle had never met Captain Mull, but he had saved Burch's claim for him, for which the old miner was extremely grateful. Over a year later Burch had died and left with another old miner the deeds to a new mine of great promise, deeds which had not yet been recorded.

"If I Pawnee Brown!" "Dike Powell!" ejaculated the scout, as he saw the fellow full in the face for the first time. "Where have you been these long years?" "Oh, Pawnee, how glad I am that you came in," panted Mortimer Arbuckle, sinking down upon an old feed box. "The villain was was " "I saw it all, Arbuckle; rest yourself. I will take care of this forger."

It was a cry from a patch of woods to the northward, and straining his eyes he saw Cal Clemmer waving his sombrero toward him. Scout and cowboy boomer were soon together. "Well, whar's Rasco and the gal?" were Clemmer's first words. "Both gone I don't know where, Cal. Where are the other boys?" "Started back toward Honnewell; thet is, all but Dick Arbuckle.

In another moment the huge beast leaped into sight, and with angry eyes and gleaming teeth bore straight for the astonished boy. Never was Dick Arbuckle more astonished than when the big bear leaped out from behind the bushes and confronted himself and Nellie Winthrop. "Oh, Dick! a bear!" screamed the girl, and stood still, too paralyzed with fright to move.

Arbuckle. "Whatever the Grand Protectress vouchsafes to give us shall be cherished by the order," added Paul. Mr. Arbuckle wrote a sentence on a slip of paper, and handed it to Grace. "Ah, here is your motto!" exclaimed she, laughing heartily. "Please to repeat it," said Captain Shuffles.

Burke and his companions stood and watched for some minutes. "What shall we do!" exclaimed Mr. Arbuckle, approaching Burke. "Can we offer those unfortunate wretches any assistance?" "All we can do," said Burke, "is to keep out of their way. I wouldn't trust one of them within pistol shot." Now Shirley reappeared on deck he had had his dram, and had changed his clothes.

Arbuckle say in excited tones. "Did you follow me?" "No, I did not, Arbuckle," came in reply. "What makes you think I did?" "I was knocked down and robbed but a few nights ago, and my most valuable papers, as well as my money, were taken from me." "Do you mean to insinuate that I am a thief?" cried Dike Powell. "You are none too good for it.

Never was a man more proud of his son than was Mortimer Arbuckle of Dick, or more grateful than was the mine-owner to Pawnee Brown for his courageous and marvelous work in clearing up the mystery. "He is a man among men," he said. "God bless him!" Nellie Winthrop was overjoyed to be with her uncle once again, and took good care that nothing should separate them.