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I suppose it is very handy to have a big mouth if one must catch all one's food in the air, but it certainly isn't pretty when it is wide open." "I never saw a mouth yet that was pretty when it was wide open," retorted Peter, who was still feeling a little put out. "I've never noticed that Boomer has a particularly big mouth."

It was all so sudden and unexpected that Peter jumped before he had time to think. Then he looked foolish. He felt foolish. He had been scared when there was nothing to be afraid of. "Ha, ha, ha, ha," tittered Jenny Wren. "What are you jumping for, Peter Rabbit? That was only Boomer the Nighthawk." "I know it just as well as you do, Jenny Wren," retorted Peter rather crossly.

"I believe you told me the other day that Boomer is related to Sooty the Chimney Swift," said Peter. Jenny nodded vigorously. "So I did, Peter," she replied. "I'm glad you have such a good memory. Boomer and Sooty are sort of second cousins. There is Boomer now, way up in the sky. I do wish he'd dive and scare some one else." Peter tipped his head 'way back.

It always gave President Boomer a chance to speak of the final letter "m" in Latin poetry, and to say that in his opinion the so-called elision of the final "m" was more properly a dropping of the vowel with a repercussion of the two last consonants. He supported this by quoting Ammianus, at which Dr. Boyster exclaimed, "Pooh! Ammianus: more dog Latin!" and appealed to Mr.

Once or twice her feet seemed to stick fast, but Pawnee Brown did not notice this. At last she came to a dead halt and would not go another step. "The danger must be in the timber," thought the boomer. "Bonnie Bird wouldn't balk for nothing. I'll dismount and reconnoitre." Springing to the ground, he drew his pistol and moved forward silently.

"Is no one else coming then?" asked the rector. "Oh yes. President Boomer of the University. We shall be a party of four. I thought the Duke might be interested in meeting Boomer. He may care to hear something of the archaeological remains of the continent." If the Duke did so care, he certainly had a splendid chance in meeting the gigantic Dr. Boomer, the president of Plutoria University.

And though the Duke hadn't known about the bricks himself, he assured Dr. Boomer that his grandfather had collected some really good things, quite remarkable. And the Duke, having met a man who knew about his grandfather, felt in his own element. In fact, he was so delighted with Dr.

But as she had walked a little way down from her platform, and her foot was partly under the first desk that of fat Bobbie Boomer Miss Bradley could not see what had struck her. "Oh!" she cried, as she jumped back, rather startled. Charlie Star and Bunny Brown could not help laughing right out loud. They knew what had caused all this excitement. A moment later Miss Bradley knew also.

Benjamin Boyd, the champion boomer of those days. Labourers out of employment were numerous, and contractors were informed by 'Gazette' notice that the services of one hundred prisoners were available for purposes of public utility, such as making roads, dams, breakwaters, harbours, bridges, watchhouses, and police buildings.

"Catch the rope!" suddenly came from Clemmer, and a noose whizzed in the air and fell close beside the pair. Both Pawnee Brown and Dick did as requested, and the cowboy boomer began to haul in with all the strength at his command. It was hard work, but Clemmer was equal to it, and presently those in the water came close enough to gain a footing, and then the peril was over.