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"Ramon loves yoh so moch," he pleaded, and smiled to himself when he saw her turn toward toward him again. The love-talk that was what a woman likes best to hear! "Yoh say yoh lov' Ramon jus' little bit!" "I not say now. When I say I be sure I say truth." "All right, then I be sad till yoh lov' me. Yoh maybe be happy, yoh know Ramon's got heavy heart for yoh."

Don Ramon's melancholy face, which had grown graver in the last few moments, approached nearer to her own. "You are unhappy, Dona Barbara. The coming of this young cavalier, your countryman, revives your anxiety for your home. You are thinking of this husband who comes not. Is it not so?" "I am thinking," said Mrs.

Everybody was so glad to see Pancho and Pedro, and so glad for the happiness that had come to their wives and children on Christmas Day that everybody shook hands with everybody else, and talked and asked questions without waiting for anybody to answer them, until it sounded almost like the animals on San Ramon's Day.

I kicked my legs convulsively; my elbows were drawn tight against my sides. Someone grunted under my weight; then I was carried down, along, up, down again; my feet were knocking along a wall, and the top of my head rubbed occasionally against what must have been the roof of a low stone passage, issuing from under the back room of Ramon's store.

And Ramon's wiry little cayuse, though willing to go on until he dropped, could not last much longer. But to leave Ramon to the rurales was not in Waring's mind. "We'll keep on, amigo," he said, "and in a few hours we'll know whether it's to be a ride or a fight." "I shall pray," whispered Ramon. "For a fresh horse, then." "No, señor. That would be of no use. I shall pray that you may escape.

A league of tangled forest and canyon behind Rough-and-Ready, for which he had paid Don Ramon's heirs an extravagant price in the presumption that it was auriferous, furnished the most accessible timber to build the town, at prices which amply remunerated him.

'Te quiero, Baturra, te quiero," he began humming softly while he looked at her with eyes that shone soft in the starlight. "Sometimes me, I learn yoh dat song and moch more I learn yoh " Annie-Many-Ponies stood before him, straight and slim and with that air of aloofness which so fired Ramon's desire for her. She lifted a hand to check him, and Ramon stopped instantly and waited.

"Do you think we can do it?" Ralph's voice was full of hesitancy. "If we don't, we'll all be lined up with a firing squad in front of us within the next ten minutes!" exclaimed Jack. "Hark!" They could hear shouts and angry cries, above which Ramon's voice sounded, as if he were narrating something. "He's telling them about us," cried Jack. "Come on; there's not a fraction of a second to lose."

His companions would gather about him eager to know the reply that don Ramón's wisdom had deigned to suggest; and a quarrel would start then, each one anxious to have the privilege of annihilating the enemy with the magic words all talking at the same time like magpies suddenly set chattering by the dawn of a new light. If the opposition held its ground, again stupefaction would come over them.

"Waal, I calkerlate thet sooner er later we'll cotch up ter these young catermounts, and then, by chowder, we'll mek it quite interesting fer them, whatsoever," promised Rafter significantly. "Looks like we'll hev ter trek across ther mountains, after all," commented Hickey, no more moved by what had occurred than he ever was by anything. But in this he reckoned without Ramon's resourcefulness.