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"Caan't 'e think o' nothin' wiser than to see faither?" she said at last. "Theer ban't nothin' wiser. He knaws we 'm tokened, and it's no manner o' use him gwaine on pretendin' to himself 't isn't so. You 'm wife-old, and you've made choice o' me; and I'm a ripe man, as have thought a lot in my time, and be earnin' gude money and all.

Do you understand who I am? I have some influence and reputation, and it is dangerous to to try to frighten me. Proofs are required in law, and " "S-s-h-h! You know I've got the proofs. They were easy enough to get, once I happened on the track of 'em. Lord sakes, Heman, I ain't a fool! What's the use of your pretendin' to be one? There's the deed out in 'Frisco, with yours and John's name on it.

And, further, this is known that, as Dignum sat on, pretendin' to yawn and huggin' his black intent, a little sut plopped down the chimney and scattered on the coals of the laid fire beneath. "At that 'Curse this waitin'! said he. 'The room's as chill as a belfry'; and he got to his feet, with a secret grin, and strolled to the hearthstone.

Look here, 'tain't the clean pertater, is it, for a superintendent t' lay into a chap at Sunday School for things what he done outside? S'pose I float Tinribs's puddlin' tub down the creek by accident, with Doon's baby in it when I ain't thinkin', is it square fer him to nab me in Sunday School, an' whack me fer it, pretendin' all the time it's 'cause I stuck a mouse in the harmonium?

I'm no saying did I or did I no. But ha' I no the richt to crack a joke wi' friends o' mine like the stage hands I come to ken sae well when I'm in a theatre for a week's engagement? I've a song I'm singing the noo. In it I'm an auld Scottish sailor. I'm pretendin', in the song, that I'm aboot to start on a lang voyage.

"Not but what I've drawed a bit heavy on my draft of late, along o' pretendin' to heathen ways an' thoughts what I never really held with; but 't is all wan now an' I lay I'll soon set the account right, wi' a balance in my favour, tu. Seein' how shameful I was used, ban't likely no gert things will be laid against me." "And auld Lezzard will go to the Union?"

"The danged little crick t'other side of town got rampageous late in the afternoon, and the whole crowd that had watched Clover Crick all day went pellmellin' off to see new sights, leavin' me entirely alone by the washout. I remember what you said about pretendin' to commit yourself to your Maker there in an agreement between you as cashier an' Tank Shirley, an' the place interested me a lot."

He fumbled for words to express his love for her, but could not find any. "Ah, well," she said, "it doesn't matter whether you're pretendin' or not. I'm quaren happy anyway!" She struggled out of his embrace and put her arms round his neck and kissed him. She remained thus with her arms round him and her face close to his, gazing into his eyes as if she were searching for something....

Don't talk to ME! Carelessness is the matter! Slip-sloppiness is the matter! Here's a man that calls himself a man and goes mopin' around pretendin' to BE a man, and what does he do?" "I don't know. I'd tell you better, maybe, if I knew who he was." "Who he was! I'll tell you who he was is, I mean. He's Balaam Hambleton, that's who he is." "Humph! Bale Hamilton, hey?

And grandma kind of heard a noise or suspected somethin', so she came into the wood house and found this here Dutch boy clawin' at the rope and kind of purple in the face, and Archie standin' by pretendin' to hold a watch and be the sheriff.