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"A'm the Beadle o' Drumtochty" standing in his place "an' a'll dae yir pleesure;" and the occasion was too awful for any one, even the dog's master, to assist, far less to laugh. So Laddie was conducted down the passage a dog who would not condescend to resist and led to the outer gate of the kirkyard, and John came in amid a dead silence for Mr.

Half the battalion hail from the Loch Lomond district, and of the rest there is hardly a man who has not indulged, during some Trades' Holiday or other, in "a pleesure trup" upon its historic but inexpensive waters. "You'll tak' the high road and I'll tak' the low road " On we swing, full-throated. An English battalion, halted at a cross-road to let us go by, gazes curiously upon us.

Iamblichus is particularly obscure and tedious. To any young beginner I would recommend Petrus de Abano, as the most adequate and gruesome of the school, for "real deevilry and pleesure," while in the wilderness of Plotinus there are many beautiful passages and lofty speculations.

A've wished for a gallery at a time, but there's mair credit in findin' it oot below ay, an' pleesure tae; a' never wearied in kirk in ma life." Mrs. Macfadyen did not appreciate prodigal quotations of Scriptures, and had her suspicions of this practice. "Tak the minister o' Pitscourie noo; he's fair fozzy wi' trokin' in his gairden an' feedin' pigs, and hesna studied a sermon for thirty year.

You hadn't made your appearance then, and naturally I couldn't do much. But now now if you vill give me de pleesure " "Then an agent is one who can do nothing for you when you want help, but when you don't want it " The man laughed to carry off his audacity. "Veil, you know vhat they say of us agent from agere,'to do, and we're always 'doing. Ha, ha!

"But what for should I be takin' delicht in speakin' o' thae auld unsanctified regardless days," said her grandmother, "that 'tis mony a year since I hae ta'en ony pleesure in thinkin' on? Gae wa', ye hempie that ye are!" she cried, turning with a sudden and uncalled-for sparkle of temper on her granddaughter; "There's nae time an' little inclination in this hoose for yer flichty conversation.

His name's MacKenzie, and I told him I was Scotch myself, and he said it 'was a greet pleesure' to find a gentleman so well acquainted with the movements of machinery. He thought I was one of King's friends, I guess, so I didn't tell him I pulled a lever for a living myself. I gave him a cigar though, and he said, 'Thankee, sir, and touched his cap to me."

"Hoots, man, let the cratur alane," said Macleod, as he busied himself polishing up some dim parts of his rifle. "It's no muckle pleesure we're like to hae in this het place. Let the puir thing enjoy his boastin' while he may."

"I'm Josephs," he said in a confidential undertone, "and if there's anything I can do for you acting management anything it vill give me pleesure." Glory flushed up and said, "But you don't seem to remember, sir, that we have met before." The man smiled blandly. "Oh, yes. I've kept track of you ever since and know all about you.

'The kirk disna care aboot organs, and the folk hereawa are hardy and winna want ony heatin', he replied slowly; then with the twinkle in his eye he explained further, 'No, that is for pleesure purposes. He reflected a moment or two profoundly, then with a happy inspiration suggested an alternative. 'A stained-glass windie micht be a guid an' righteous gift, I'm thinkin'.