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'Aw right, says Conly, 'awsk him to cam in eah to me. You should 'a seen the owld josser's feaches wnoy towld im. 'Oyd zoyred jou to sy e was to cam in eah to me. 'Shloy gow and tell him again? I says, as cool as ennything. 'Now, says he, 'Oil gow myself. Thets wot Aw loike in Conly. He tikes tham fellers dahn wen they troy it on owver im." Meanwhile, Mr.

"On deck, there!" presently called out Tim Rooney from beneath, his voice sounding hollow and far off. "Some av ye bind owver the coamin' av the hatch an' hilp us to raise the poor divil!"

"Ow, goo'-mornin'!" said the driver. The conductor was standing on the pavement when John descended. "You'll get a 'bus owver there at the Mansion 'Ouse," he said, "thet'll tyke you right into Fleet Street. Or you can walk it easy from 'ere. 'Long Cheapside, just rahnd the corner!..." "Cheapside!" John said with interest.

That awful bridge!..." "I down't see nothink wrong with it," the driver interrupted. "Nothing wrong with it! You'd think they were ashamed of it, they've hidden it so!" "I down't see nothink wrong with it. Wot you gettin' so excited abaht?" "Shakespeare said his prayers there!" John ejaculated. "Well, wot if 'e did?" the driver replied. "We down't think nothink of Cathedrals owver 'ere!

"Faix, ya moost go owver to old Oireland to larn, me bhoy," he answered with a laugh. "Wait till ye kiss the blarney stone, an' thin ye'll know!" "I suppose it's what father calls the suaviter in modo," said I, laughing also, he put on such a droll look. "And I think, Mr Rooney, you possess the fortiter in re, too, from the way you can speak sometimes."

He felt enthralled by this wonder of traffic, of great crowds moving with ease through a criss-cross of confusing streets. "It's wonderful," he said, leaning forward and speaking almost in a whisper to the driver. "Wot is?" "All that traffic!" "Ow, thet's nothink. We think nothink of thet owver 'ere," the driver replied. "We down't tyke no notice of a little lot like thet!"

'Why can't yees touch up the staammau, and make him hop owver them shtones? asked Mickey, turning toward the boy, whom, it was noted, appeared to be in deep reverie again. Not until he was addressed several times did he look up. Then he merely shook his head, to signify that the thing was impossible.

"An' thet's the Royal Exchynge owver there, an' this 'ere is the Mansion 'Ouse where the Lord Mayor lives. I can't stop to tell you no more. Ayngel, Ayngel, Ayngel! Any more for the Ayngel?..." Several persons climbed on to the 'bus, and then, after attempting to persuade people, anxious to go to Charing Cross, to go to the Angel at Islington instead, the conductor rang his bell.

When we were in the retreat of the Serbian Army owver the mahntains I came across by chance, if you call it chance, another nurse that knew all about her been under her in Bristol for a year." A young member, pricking up, asked: "Were you in the Serbian retreat, Nurse?"