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The Y.M.C.A., which does not accept workers unless they are members of the Christian Church, came on the scene and built a hut, through the generosity of Mrs. Hunter Craig, in the barrack square. On this, in the early months of 1915, there followed a revival of religion among the Maryhill Barracks men, whose centre was the Y.M.C.A. hut.

'But I'll gang for them, Liz, put in the little seamstress quickly. 'They can be easy got frae Maryhill afore nicht. It's only twelve o'clock the noo. 'There need not be any such hurry; I think I shall stay in town all night, said Gladys, 'and you can arrange it together, either to go with me or alone. Teen can manage it; she knows all about the trains, having been there before.

'I heard you were in Glasgow, but I didn't believe it. Where have you been all this time? 'To Maryhill; I'm bidin' there the noo, Liz answered defiantly, though she was inwardly trembling. 'Maryhill? Walter repeated, and his eye, sharp with suspicion, dwelt searchingly on her face. 'What are you doing there? 'That's my business, she answered lightly.

At Maryhill, in the neighbourhood of Glasgow, about a year ago, when an epidemic of measles and whooping-cough was prevalent, two mothers took advantage, for the carrying out of this superstition, of the presence in the village of an ass which drew the cart of a travelling rag-gatherer. They stood one on each side of the animal.

'Ay, it's a rotten job. I often feel like vomiting over it mysel'. But it's no for us to complain. There's waur jobs oot in France for better men ... A word in your ear, Mr Brand. Could ye not look a bit more sheepish? Ye stare folk ower straight in the een, like a Hieland sergeant-major up at Maryhill Barracks. And he winked slowly and grotesquely with his left eye.

Teen waited breathlessly, in the hope that Liz would still confide in her, but having thus delivered herself, she again relapsed into silence. 'What way are ye bidin' at Maryhill? she asked after a bit, and the same note of suspicion which had been in Walter's questions sounded through her voice. It made the colour rise in the sharply-outlined cheek of Liz, and she replied angrily,

I canna bide there, she said presently, in a sharp, discontented voice. 'An' here ye've gar'd me miss the last car. 'Where are you staying in Maryhill? 'I have a place, me an' anither lassie, she said guardedly. 'If ye are flush, ye micht gie me twa shillin's for a cab. I'm no' able to walk.

BEFORE undertaking the Maryhill School, I had applied to be taken on as an agent in the Glasgow City Mission; and the night before I had to leave Maryhill, I received a letter from Rev.

The manner of her reception by these two, whom she had wronged by her long silence, affected Liz deeply, though she made no sign. 'I dinna see what better I can dae, if ye'll no' stump up for the cab to Maryhill, she said ungraciously. 'A' the same, I wish I had never seen ye. Ye had nae business watchin' for me, ony o' ye. I'm my ain mistress, an' I'm no' needin' onything aff ye.

'Ye'll be gaun to get mairret next? she added, looking at Gladys, who smiled and nodded, with slightly heightened colour. 'Well, what is to be done? Are you going down with me to-day? she asked, looking from one to another, and tapping her dainty foot a trifle impatiently on the floor. 'I canna come the day, for my claes are a' at Maryhill, said Liz.