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You couldn't guess all his Mongolian thoughts, nor those of his son, Fu Shan, of whom Sadler asked medicine for a dyspeptic soul. Fu Shan said, "Go lun joss house by Langoon." Sadler didn't seem to care about the business part of it either, though it looked interesting. He only wanted the medicine. Days and nights we talked it over, and got no further than that, and drew nearer the East.

If you still have literary or journalistic ambitions, and have not been entirely captivated by the pundits of commerce and money-making, Foster might be of material assistance to you. 'We'll have a bit of dinner here, Ah Lun. I won't go out to-night. I dare say you have something we can pick over. Let us know when it's ready.

The Lun Yu, or Digested Conversations of the Master; or, as Dr. Legge calls it, The Confucian Analects. It is from this book that we derive our information about the sage; it was compiled probably by the disciples of his disciples. The Ta-Heo, or Great Learning, and The Chung Yung, or Doctrine of the Mean, are smaller works, giving a more literary form to the doctrine of the sage.

By Legge and most British Chinese scholars this work is called "The Confucian Analects," the word "analect" denoting things chosen, in the present case from the utterances of the master. The "Lun Yu" is arranged in twenty chapters or books, and gives, ostensibly in his own words, the teaching of Confucius and that of his leading disciples.

But even then they fought each other; and between my people and the Quedetchque that my name; you call 'em Mohawk, I b'lieve there was war, all time war. "The Quedetchque come down every fall, follow down banks of river, wait alound village until all my people asleep; make warwhoop, fire arrows, set fire to womegun, lun off with prisoner, and plenty scalp.

As he spoke Francisco Stanley entered, viewed the silent figure on the cot and shook his head. "Poor Po Lun. At any rate he's been a hero in the papers. I've seen to that ..." "He was delirious all morning ... stretching out his arms and calling 'Hang Far! Hang Far! Do you know what it means?" "I do," Alice answered; "it's the girl from whom he was separated nearly twenty years ago."

Savvy?" "All light. You givee me gun, I shootee wolf plenty. Makee go 'ki-yi' and lun belly fast." Song went away with a grin on his face like a crack in a piece of stale cheese. "Stella, you've solved it. I believe whoever put that message there heard our conversation, and at least they'll hate us a bit worse than before, if that is possible." "Let them bark, the wolves.

Imperialism merchants and Lun Yat Sen, alleged secret agreement war indemnity war of 1894 Japan's, activities in the Yangtsze Valley account of the Chengchiatun incident alarm at the Chinese revolution animosity towards Yuan Shih-kai attitude toward Yuan Shih-kai Chinese policy "Continental quadrilateral" Doctrine of Maximum Pressure Far East activities German policy government foundry at Wakamatsu influence in China on European war question influence on the monarchial election influence over China's war measures original Twenty-one Demands Pekin Expeditionary Force police rights in Manchuria political history pressure on Yuan Shih-kai subterranean activities in China in 1916 ultimatum to China, 88-91; China's reply ultimatum, China's indignation at Twenty-four Demands Jehol, mountain palaces of Jung Lu, viceroy of Chihli

Ching it was, and the men sent up a cheer as out pursuers grappled the side of our boat, held on, and our messenger came on board smiling. "Velly muchee big job you catchee," he said. "Why, what fo' you lun along so fast?" "Why, Ching," cried Mr Brooke, "what does this mean?" "No get away. Muchee velly bad man. No get to boat. Allee fightee. Get 'nother boat, and come along."

They were interrupted by Po Lun, their Chinese servitor, who entered, leading Robert by the hand. The boy had a soldier cap, fashioned from newspaper by the ingenious celestial; it was embellished with plumes from a feather duster. A toy drum was suspended from his neck; the hilt of a play-time saber showed at his belt.