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"Now praise de Lord!" said Hagar, fervently; "dat's more'n ye ever felt afore. Thar's help fur ye, Mas'r Dick, an' 'tain't fur off!" "Too far for me to find it!" said Trafford; "he does not smile upon those who have rejected him." "Oh, chile!" said Hagar, in a shocked tone; "don't ye know de Lord's all mercy an' lubbin' kin'ness?

"I always did like you, didn't I, Dinah?" he demanded. "Go 'long wif you, honey!" she exclaimed. "Yo' all doan't git none ob de stuff in dish yeah basket 'till lunch time no, suh! No mattah how lubbin' yo' is!" Off they started, with laughter and shouts, Uncle Daniel and his hired man sitting on the front seat, taking turns driving the horses.

"De lubbin honey lamb!" crooned Dinah. "Did he come with you, Dinah?" went on Uncle Daniel, trying to find out exactly who had seen Freddie last. "Yais, sah, he done comed wif me fo' a little while in de crowd, an' den he slid away he just seem t' melt away laik," explained the cook. "Which way did he go?" Uncle Daniel wanted to know. "Which way? I dunno," Dinah answered.

I always tink, Massa, when folks take to eatin' same breakfast, same lunch, same dinner, same tea, same supper, drinkin' same soup, lubbin' same graby, and fectioning same preserves and pickles, and cakes and pies, and wine, and cordials, and ice-creams, den dey plaguy soon begin to rambition one anodder, and when dey do dat, dey is sure to say, 'Sorrow, does you know how to make weddin' cake, and frost him, and set him off partikelar jam, wid wices of all kinds, little koopids, and cocks and hens, and bales of cotton, figs of baccy, and ears of corn, and all sorts of pretty things done in clarfied sugar.

Be like habbin' poor Mas'r Noll's face afore him de whole time, an' ef he ken stan' dat, athought lubbin' him, I's 'feard he's dun got colder'n a stone, de whole ob him. You jes' wait an' see, Hagar!" Noll followed his uncle from the breakfast-table into the library, hoping that he would at once say something about his books or studies, or at least hint what plans he had made concerning himself.

Dat dog must be mos' starved, an' yo'-all is lubbin him so dat he ain't time to eat a sandwich. Let him hab some breakfast, an' den hug him!" "Oh, but we like him so!" cried Flossie. So Snap was restored, and Danny was sent home out of the woods, so there was no more trouble from him. In the days that followed, the Bobbsey twins at Snow Lodge had many more good times.

Sept. 22. Rany. the coler has begun to go of my legs. Sept. 23. Rany as time. we got some soft sope of old man Currier today and the coler is most gone. Sept. 24. It is all gone now. Sept. 25. Lubbin Smith and Geen Titcum got fiting at resess today and the bell rung before eether had licked. i bet on Lubbin. i went down for some more pikerel today but the river is two deep now.