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A white Muskrat stuffed in a case "down to the saloon"; old Baccy Bullin, who had been scalped by the Indians forty years ago; and a pipe once smoked by Kit Carson, proved unattractive, so he turned toward the prairie, still white with snow. A mark among the numerous Dog tracks caught his eye: it was the track of a large Jack-rabbit. He asked a passer-by if there were any Rabbits in town.

"Sit down and fill your pipe out of my pouch, Joe. It's good 'baccy, you'll find. Any news? I suppose not. There never is; and if there was, what would be the odds to me?" "In the blues?" remarked the hunter, regarding Jack with a peculiar smile through his first puff of smoke. "Rather!" said Jack. "Grog?" inquired Joe. "Haven't tasted a drop for months," replied Jack.

And he was bursting with information. "You take the train to Cook's Wall, chum," he said, spitting on his hands and trying the strength of the good leather straps. He had tapped the billy and the mugs with a wise finger, giving them advice about soaking their boots in linseed oil for a few days. "Yous ought to buy your tea and baccy and flour in Sydney.

"You cutee palaber!" chattered Ah-Fang-Fu, busy with the pipe. "You likee too much chin-chin. You make nice piece bhobbery." "Not a 'bean'," continued Bill reminiscently "not a 'oat." He sat up violently. "Even me pipe an' baccy was gone!" he shouted. "You'd even pinched me pipe an' baccy! You'd pinch the whiskers off a blind man, you would, Pidgin! 'And over the dope.

"My," said Bill Chestree, the captain of the foretop, "what is can't be helped, old Fizgig; old Rayo has gone down, and" "Old Rayo be d d, Master Bill," said the man; "but may I be flogged, if I han't forgotten half a pound of negro head baccy in Dick Catgut's bag." "Launch ahoy!" hailed a half drunken voice from one of the boats astern of us. "Hillo," responded the coxswain.

I don't know what man would do without it." "Quite as well as woman does, I should think," replied Minnie. "I'm not so sure of that, lass. It's more nat'ral for man to smoke than for woman. Ye see, woman, lovely woman, should be 'all my fancy painted her, both lovely and divine'. It would never do to have baccy perfumes hangin' about her rosy lips."

The answer to that is that we never put fertilizers on our garden, anyway. If we want to kill the cook there is a more direct method, and we reserve the tobacco for ourself. No cutworm shall get a blighty one from our cherished baccy pouch. Fred says we ought to have a wheel-barrow; Hank swears by a mulching iron; Bill is all for cold frames.

"He had the jolliest little dinner ready you ever saw, and he insisted, on the fellow smoking, though Perkins hates the very smell of 'baccy, and well, he got the whole trouble out of him, except the opium. "D'y think he lectured and scolded? Not a bit that's not Perkins he left the fool to do his own lecturing, and he did it stiff.

"Thank God!" said Dr. Lavendar. "Dominie," said Mr. Wright, "it's better to make your manners when you've got your 'baccy. Yes; I'll have to see his father; if there's no other way of getting him out of town?" "Of course there's no other way. Sam won't go without his father's consent. But you mustn't make play-writing the excuse; you mustn't talk about that."

A week later Giles was permitted to visit his former friends, laden with such a store of buns and baccy as would have ensured his welcome, even had not most of his cronies been genuinely glad to see him. "Dear heart alive!" cried Jim, receiving his modicum of twist with a delighted chuckle, "these be new times, these be.