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"By littles, yes, but not in quantity," pursued Lidgerwood. "'Mony a little makes a mickle, as my old grandfather used to say," McCloskey went on. "If everybody gets his fingers into the sugar-bowl " Lidgerwood swung his chair to face McCloskey. "We'll pass up the petty thieveries, for the present, and look a little higher," he said gravely.

'Many littles make a mickle, and there are more deaths in skirmishes than in the field of a pitched battle.

Then the Littles heard of it and called in a few friends. One night when both sufferers were at the crisis and there seemed little hope for the minister, Christie McMertrie called in the Raffertys and they were just on the point of kneeling down when Mrs. Harricutt came to the door. She had been crying.

If you hat as much druble as I haf to ket cartridges you vould pe more garcful of dem." Capt. Littles was Rosenbaum, the Jew spy, masquerading in a new role. Shorty's heart leaped. Instantly he thought of a way to let Rosenbaum know whom he had run up against. "Corporal Si Klogg!" he called out in his loudest tones. "What is it, Shorty?" answered the wondering Si.

He coasted past the church and down the gentle incline in front of the parsonage and Joneses, and the Littles and Browns and Gibsons. Like a shadow of the night passing he slid past the Fowlers and Tiptons and Duncannons, and fastened his eyes on the little white fence with the white pillared gate where Mrs. Carter lived. Was that a light in the kitchen window?

I send you with this a receipt for a year of Littles Living Age, i didn't know what you would like & i told Mr. Brown is going to write to you sometime i hope some day you will write to me, this letter is from your very true friend who you know as Jack Hunt. I send you Mr. Brown's card. Send my letter to him.

At first Fray Juan Perez was stiff and cold, but by littles this changed and he became a good man, large-minded and with a sense for kindred. Clearly he thought that I should not have had a Jewish grandmother, nor have lived with her from my third to my tenth birthday, and most clearly that I should not have written that which I had written.

In Paris, the Germans and the English are more numerous than any other foreigners. The former toil, drudge, save their littles to make a meikle. The latter, whatever they may be at home, are, in Paris, generally loungers and consumers of the fruits of the earth. The Hungarian's errand in Vienna is to spend money: the Italian's to make it.

Billy was interrupted by Gunter making a rush at him, but the boy was too nimble for the man, besides which, Gunter's bruises, to which we have before referred, were too painful to be trifled with. Soon afterwards the boat returned for another cargo of trunks, and the crew of the Evening Star went to work again. Meanwhile the "power of littles" began to tell on the capacious hold of the steamer.

"That is one of my weaknesses when I am driving; I am never able to pass a branch road without wanting to turn aside and explore it." "Then we'll explore this one, right now," said Blount, cutting the car to the left. He was more than willing to delay, even by littles, the moment when he should be obliged to resume the sorry business of waiting and dissembling.