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"I'm sorry for you, son," he protested, "but that's the funniest thing that's come my way in two years. And you buying me hot-house grapes, too, and fancy water! I wish you could see your face," he taunted. Ford pretended to be greatly chagrined. "All right," he declared roughly. "The laugh's on me this time, but just because I lost one trick, don't think I don't know my business.

"What's up naow? want me tew address the meetin', hey? I'm willin', only the laugh's ruther ag'inst me, ef I tell that story; expect you'll like it all the better fer that." Flint coiled up his long limbs, put his hands in his pockets, chewed meditatively for a moment, and then began, with his slowest drawl:

Here sounded a scornful laugh from Jimmie, the prop boy. "Bunk!" said he at the laugh's end. "How long you been doublin' for her, Miss Montague? Two years, ain't it? I know it was before I come here, and I been on the lot a year and a half.

Hogg, after a moment's hesitation, followed. "The laugh's agin you, farmer," said the latter gentleman, taking his arm. Mr. Rose shook him off. "Better make the best of it," continued the peace-maker. "She's a girl to be proud of," said Lawyer Quince, keeping pace with the farmer on the other side.

How do you dull your conscience so that you can do it? And what course do you propose to follow in the matter of this confession?" "Me?" I answered. "Why, I'm going to send supper in to our fellows, and the box'll never see that closet. The man upstairs may get a little tired. I reckon the laugh's on Gorgett; it's his scheme and " Farwell interrupted me; his face was outrageously red. "What!

Simon make haste to feed and water your horses and be sure you have old Joan in the carriage and at the gate by a quarter before six." "Am I to drive her to the depot, ma'am?" "No, Miss Lottie Prince will do that, and you are to take the one-horse wagon for the trunks. Did you go to Mr. Laugh's and engage it, as I told you yesterday?" "I went to Mr.

I'm the fellah that tole one day The tale of the won'erful one-hoss-shay. Wan' to hear another? Say. Funny, wasn'it? Made ME laugh, I'm too modest, I am, by half, Made me laugh'S THOUGH I SH'D SPLIT, Cahn' a fellah like fellah's own wit? Fellahs keep sayin', "Well, now that's nice; Did it once, but cahn' do it twice." Don' you b'lieve the'z no more fat; Lots in the kitch'n 'z good 'z that.

Before the latter could frame a reply to Lovell's ultimatum, Tolleston said to the federal officer: "Didn't my employers tell you that the old would defy you without a demonstration of soldiers at your back? Now, the laugh's on you, and " "No, it's on you," interrupted a voice at my back, accompanied by a pistol report.

"I did not think you would be so bitter over it!" she half sobbed. "Can't you take a joke?" he demanded. "Great joke! me thinking I've a ghost of a show of winning you! No; the laugh's on me, all right. Idea of me dreaming I can down that damnable thirst!" "Tom, you'll not give up you'll not!" she cried with a fierceness that shook him out of his bitter despondency. "Give up?" he rejoined.

And as for the schooner, it was I who cut her cable, and it was I that killed the men you had aboard of her, and it was I who brought her where you'll never see her more, not one of you. The laugh's on my side; I've had the top of this business from the first; I no more fear you than I fear a fly. Kill me, if you please, or spare me.