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The sculptor Adolph Hildebrand, in his "Problem of Form in the Plastic Art" first set it forth as the task of the artist "to find a form which appears to have arisen only from the demands of the eye;"<1> and this doctrine is to-day so widely held, that it must here be considered at some length. <1> Das Proablem der form in d. bildenden Kunst, 1897.

Who was the author of it is not known with certainty; but it is possible that the writer of it was John Heywood, the epigrammatist and court-jester. See Dramaturgic oder Theorie und Geschichte der dramatischen Kunst, von Theodore Mundt, vol i, p. 809. All was quiet in the palace of Whitehall.

It contained all the different forms of conjuration, as well for the citation as for the dismissal of spirits. There are, besides this, several other similar works extant, such as his "Schwarzer Mohrenstern," "Der schwarze Rabe," the "Mirakel-, Kunst-, und Wunder-buch," already mentioned, and several more, containing about the same matter, and most of them written in his name.

For example, I came across in De Kunst, a Dutch art publication in Amsterdam, a specimen of Marinetti's sublimated prose, the one page of which is supposed to contain more suggestive images and ideas than a library written in the old-fashioned manner. Poids-odeur. Midi 3/4 flutes glapissement embrasement toumb toumb alarme gargaresch éraquement érépitation marche," etc.

Essay on the Study of Statistics; intended to assist the Enquiries of inexperienced Travellers. By D. Boileau. 12mo. 1807. Fried. J. Freyherr von Gunderode Gedanken uber Reisen. Frankfort, 1781. 8vo. Apodenick, oder die kunst zu Reisen von Posselt. Leipsic, 1795. 8vo. This is an excellent work. Uber den Worth und Nutzen der Fussreisen. Hanover, 1805. 8vo.

Present my humble warm respects to your aunt Dorothy. I pray to heaven nightly for one of its angels on earth. Kunst, Wissenschaft, Ehre, Liebe. Die Liebe. Quick at the German poets. Frau: Fraulein. I am actually dazzled at the prospect of our future. To be candid, I no longer see to write. Gruss' dich herzlich. From Vienna to you next. Lebe wohl!

My ancestor's was expressed, as you see, in the Teutonic phrase, Kunst macht Gunst that is, skill, or prudence, in availing ourselves of our natural talents and advantages, will compel favour and patronage, even where it is withheld from prejudice or ignorance." "And that," said Lovel, after a moment's thoughtful silence "that, then, is the meaning of these German words?" "Unquestionably.

'O, rief er, 'bei dem ersten Blicke, Ihr Gotter, welch ein Meisterstucke! Ach, welcher Fuss! O, wie geschickt Sind nicht die Nagel ausgedruckt! Mars lebt durchaus in diesem Bilde. Wie viele Kunst, wie viele Pracht Ist in dem Helm und in dem Schilde, Und in der Rustung angebracht! Der Maler ward beschamt geruhret, Und sah den Kenner klaglich an. 'Nun, sprach er, 'bin ich uberfuhret!

The first lines are the source of the famous lines in Goethe's Faust: 'Ach Gott! die Kunst ist lang Und kurz ist unser Leben, Mir wird bei meinem kritischen Bestreben Doch oft um Kopf und Busen bang.

Present my humble warm respects to your aunt Dorothy. I pray to heaven nightly for one of its angels on earth. Kunst, Wissenschaft, Ehre, Liebe. Die Liebe. Quick at the German poets. Frau: Fraulein. I am actually dazzled at the prospect of our future. To be candid, I no longer see to write. Gruss' dich herzlich. From Vienna to you next. Lebe wohl!