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The subject was grateful, and the industrious Weitbrecht-Rotholz in his imposing monograph has been able to give a remarkable list of authorities. "Karl Strickland: sein Leben und seine Kunst," by Hugo Weitbrecht-Rotholz, Ph.D. Schwingel und Hanisch. Leipzig, 1914. The faculty for myth is innate in the human race.

Indeed there were some concessions in the third edition of his Leben Jesu in 1838, but these were all repudiated in 1840. His Leben Jesu für das deutsche Volk, published in 1866 was the effort to popularise that which he had done. It is, however, in point of method, superior to his earlier work, Comments were met with even greater bitterness.

The artistico-ecclesiastical life, or, as the German puts it so much more patly, "das klösterlich-künstlerische Leben," began to wear upon him. For a time Liszt remained in Rome, taking a dwelling in the Via Felice; later, in June of the year 1863, he moved to the Oratorio of the Madonna del Rosario, where the Pope, Pius IX., visited him to hear his miraculous music.

Zückert’s translation of the first six parts of Tristram Shandy appeared in 1763, and bore the imprint of the publisher Lange, Berlin und Stralsund. The title readDas Leben und die Meynungen des Herrn Tristram Shandy,” the first of the long series ofLeben und Meynungenwhich flooded the literature of the succeeding decades, this becoming a conventional title for a novel.

"What a happy family!" exclaimed some wag. "Yes, indeed; and I hope you will come to my wedding, all of you. I won't mention names, but here is to my little bride!" and the Professor waved his glass in the air. "Here's to his little bride!" roared the roysterers, with shouts of laughter. "Here's her health. Sie soll leben Hoch!"

The last person had passed in black silhouette between them and the sea. He was thinking bitterly. She seemed to goad him deeper and deeper into life. He had a sense of despair, a preference of death. The German she read with him she loved its loose and violent romance came back to his mind: 'Der Tod geht einem zur Seite, fast sichtbarlich, und jagt einem immer tiefer ins Leben.

I doubt he won't come to schule this arternoon. That'll shaw. I be gwaine, if I got to crawl theer." "An' him a year older than what you be!" said Joan. "Iss, Mat's 'leben year old. I'll have some vinegar an' brown paper to this here eye, mother." "Ait your mayte, ait your mayte fust," she answered. "Plague 'pon your fightin'!"

Between 1838 and 1842 appeared Schillers Leben, Geistesentwickelung und Werke im Zusammenhang, von Karl Hoffmeister. This monumental work of scholarship, in five volumes, has been indispensable to later biographers, however they might differ with Hoffmeister in matters of critical estimate.

A portly colored woman presided over them; she had "leben chilen, four dead and gone to glory," as she explained to everyone who questioned her. It was about two o'clock when Beth reached Toronto, and the whirr of electric cars, the rattle of cabs and the mixed noises of the city street would all have been pleasantly exciting to her young nerves but for her thoughts of Marie.

The work of Minor, Schiller, sein Leben und seine Werke, of which two volumes appeared in 1890, ends with a discussion of 'Don Carlos'. More readable, but proportionally less thorough than either of these, is the work of Brahm, of which the second volume, first part, appeared in 1892, bringing the story down through Schiller's Kantian period.