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Her eyes were cast down, and she was nervously plaiting the edge of her little black-bordered handkerchief. All at once she raised her eyes and looked straight at the window. How blue her eyes were! Rex dropped his face in his hands. "Oh God! I love her!" he groaned. "Gute Nacht, gnaedige Herrn!" Sepp and Federl stood in their door with a light.

"German stamp, postmark apparently Darmstadt. You notice that the 'Herrn Dr. is printed and the rest written. What do you make of that?" "I don't quite know. Do you think he is really a medical man?" "Perhaps we had better finish our investigation, in case we are disturbed, and discuss the bearings of the facts afterwards. The name of the sender may be on the flap of the envelope.

I'm sure you'd like him very much. My address will be: bei Herrn Oberforster Bornsted Schuppenfelde Reg. Bez. Stettin. I don't know what Reg. Bez. means. I've copied it from a card Kloster gave me, and I expect you had better put it on the envelope. I'll write and tell you directly I get there.

The effect is vastly diverting, especially when Boito's paraphrase of Goethe's Von Zeit zu Zeit seh' ich den Alten gern Und hute mich mit ihm zu brechen. Es ist gar hubsch von einem grossen Herrn, So menschlich mit dem Teufel selbst zu sprechen. is turned into: "Now and again 'tis really pleasant thus to chat with the angels, and I'll take good care not to quarrel with them.

Zückert’s translation of the first six parts of Tristram Shandy appeared in 1763, and bore the imprint of the publisher Lange, Berlin und Stralsund. The title readDas Leben und die Meynungen des Herrn Tristram Shandy,” the first of the long series ofLeben und Meynungenwhich flooded the literature of the succeeding decades, this becoming a conventional title for a novel.

His fear in some degree communicated itself to Captain Dalgetty, who began to repeat, in a sort of polyglot gibberish, all the exorcisms he had ever heard of, without being able to remember more than a word or two of each. "IN NOMINE DOMINI, as we said at Mareschal-College SANTISSMA MADRE DI DIOS, as the Spaniard has it ALLE GUTEN GEISTER LOBEN DEN HERRN, saith the blessed Psalmist, in Dr.

The King having established himself in Herrn Scultet's Garden-House, not far from the Schweidnitz Gate, there began a delicate and great operation.

THE first piece of information that I have to give you is, that my truthful letter to Herr Herzog in Augsburg, puncto Schmalzii, has had a capital effect. You must know that, though I only saw Herr Herzog once, I could not resist asking him to send me a draft on Herr Schmalz, or to Herrn Butter, Milk, and Cheese, or whom he would a ca! This joke has succeeded; it is no good making a poor mouth!

He listened with interest whilst Miss Drechsler told him the history of her past years, much of which was new to him, although he had heard of Frida's gift as a violinist; but when she told of the wonderful way in which her relations had been discovered, he could refrain himself no longer, but exclaimed, "Lobe Herrn, He is good, very good, and answers prayer."

Die Parabeln des Herrn, für Kirche, Schule, und Haus, erklärt von Dr. De Valenti. Basel, 1841.