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He had signed an advertisement issued by the Constitutional Society asking for a subscription for 'the relief of the widows, etc., of our beloved American fellow-subjects, who had been inhumanly murdered by the King's troops at Lexington and Concord. For this 'very gross libel' he had in the previous November been sentenced to a fine of £200 and a year's imprisonment. Ann. Reg. xx. 234-245.

"Than doing common labourer's work," said Reg. "Rather! If they'd put us to some of the literary work, you know, Horace editing, or correcting, or reporting, or that sort of thing, I could stand that. There are plenty of swells who began like that. I'm pretty well up in classics, you know, and well, they might be rather glad to have some one who was." Horace sighed.

And it's very likely too, Reg, that just now, when they seem rather in confusion at the office, they really haven't time to see about what your regular work is to be. Wait a little, and they're sure to find out your value." "They seem to have done that already as far as sweeping is concerned. The manager said I didn't know how to hold a broom. I was quite offended," said Reginald.

In a suburban villa, at Shepherd's Bush, perhaps. No, Reg, when I marry, if ever I do I am in no hurry I will step out of this room into one exactly like it. The room was a splendid drawing-room in Palace Gardens, splendidly furnished. 'I shall have my footmen and my carriage, and I shall 'Rosie, give me the right to earn all these things for you! the young man cried impetuously.

Evidently, as Reg himself had said, beggars could not be choosers, and when presently Mr Richmond left, and the little family talked the matter over late into the afternoon, it was finally decided that the offer of the manager of the Rocket Newspaper Company, Limited, should be accepted, and that the boys should make their new start in life on the Monday morning following.

Jefferson's Works, vi. 368. 4 Am. Arch. i. 350. Campbell, Hist. Va. 573. 4 Am. Arch. i. 350, 351. The narrative of these events as given by Wirt and by Campbell has several errors. Campbell, Hist. Va. 573. Mason to Martin Cockburn, Va. Hist. Reg. iii. 27-29. The full text of this letter of instructions is given in 4 Am. Arch. i. 689, 690.

Reginald walked through them to the passage outside, not much caring where he went or whom he met. If he were to meet Mr Barber, or Mr Durfy, or the manager himself, so much the better. As it happened, he met Horace, looking comparatively cheerful, with some papers in his hand. "Hullo, Reg," said he; "have they promoted you to a `printer's devil' too? Fancy what Bland would say if he saw us!

"I certainly have not done that," said Reg. Men may often do much without knowing that they do anything, and such probably had been the case with Reginald Morton during the journey from Dillsborough to Cheltenham. "What would her father wish?" "They all want her to take the man." "How can she do better?"

They will not, therefore, be excluded. "The General also directs me to say that civil process cannot be served directly in the camps or forts of his command, without full authority be obtained from the Commanding Officer for that purpose. "I am very respectfully, your obedient servant, "E. P. HALSTED, "Assistant Adjutant General. "Lieut. Col. JOHN D. SHANE, "Commanding 76th Reg. N. Y. Vols."

Poor Lawrence felt very uncomfortable, not quite knowing how to place his instructions on a less familiar footing. "I don't want no one better nor you; you're good enough for me," said Wikkey, very decidedly; and then Lawrence gave it up in despair, and mentally resolving that Reg must help him, he carried Wikkey off to bed.