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She said she knew quite well how such artists were considered in Paris, that they were regarded as vauriennes, to whom there was no occasion to pay the respect and consideration which were reserved for the potent mesdames and the jeunes filles ingénues of society. But what had she to do with society?

It did not represent only les Jeunes, who would have kept it all to themselves in their first mad, exuberant, reckless springtime. But they were not strong enough to stand alone, as les Jeunes seldom are, or have been through the ages. It was more original in its art than in its literature. Many were men of name and fame well established.

It had become not enough to know that she was young and slender, with enchanting eyes and a teasing spirit of wit.... Vaguely he had thought her to be French, one of the quaint jeunes filles so rarely taken traveling. But who was she? A child at her first ball? But what in the world was she doing, back in the palms, away from her chaperon?

The children's pleasure spread to the parents; life and mirth circulated quickly round the ball-room; the "jeunes gens" themselves, though restrained, were amused: for Madame never permitted them to feel dull and thus Madame Beck's fete annually ensured a success unknown to the fete of any other directress in the land. I observed that Dr.

After having been conductor for the Société des jeunes artistes du Conservatoire since 1851, in the Salle Herz, he founded, in 1861, at the Cirque d'Hiver, with the financial support of a rich moneylender, the first Concerts populaires de musique classique. Unhappily, says M. Saint-Saëns, Pasdeloup, even up to 1870, made an almost exclusive selection of German classical works.

Aux pauvres. Quand l'or s'enfle dans ton sac, Dieu dans ton coeur decroit; Apprends qu'on est sans pain et sache qu'on a froid. Les jeunes filles vont rodant le soir dans l'ombre, Tes rochets, tes chasubles, aux topazes sans nombre, Ta robe en l'Orient dore s'epanouit, Sont de spectres qui sont noirs et vivant la nuit.

Through the ministrations of a certain Drouais, Fragonard was commissioned to decorate a special pavilion outside the chateau proper, destined for the "collations du Roi." The subject chosen was the "Progres de l'Amour dans le Coeur des Jeunes Filles." Just where these panels are to-day no one seems to know, but sooner or later they will doubtless be discovered.

Lord Saxingham at last returned busy, bustling, important, and good-humoured as usual. "Well, Flory, well? glad to see you quite blooming, I declare, never saw you with such a colour monstrous like me, certainly. We always had fine complexions and fine eyes in our family. But I'm rather late first bell rung we ci-devant jeunes hommes are rather long dressing, and you are not dressed yet, I see."

He was silent a moment, twisting his lip. "When do you go?" "In a week or two when there's room for me." He laughed. "Oh! come then there's time for a few more talks. Listen you think I'm such an idle dog. I'm nothing of the sort. I've nearly finished a whole new play. Only well, I couldn't talk to you about it it's not a play for jeunes filles. But after all I might read you a few scenes.

The Theatre Francais being in want of a performer for such characters, BAPTISTE was called in. Jeunes premiers, or young lovers, in Comedy. ST. FAL, DUPONT, DAMAS, and ARMAND. One might assemble what is best in these four actors, without making one perfect lover. I have already spoken of the first three, who, in comedy, have nearly the same defects as in tragedy.