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His relations to Romanticism are largely external; he frequented the salons of Rachel Levin and Henrietta Herz in Berlin, was aided by August von Schlegel, and was praised by Jean Paul; but in his heart he was not inspired by any of the deeper longings that characterize the true Romantic spirit.

At the opening of the Baireuth Temple of German Art, in 1876, Richard Wagner paid him this tribute in the midst of a joyful company: "Here is one who first gave me faith in my work when no one knew anything of me. But for him, my dear friend, Franz Liszt, you might not have had a note from me to-day." Alfred Jaell and Henri Herz, who had preceded him, doubtless prepared the way for his triumphs.

When in the eighties he made his first appearance in literary circles in Munich, he essayed very naturalistic novels; his first, Rosa Herz deals with the fate of a poor victim of seduction. Not until after the dawn of the new century did the author find his true vocation in the telling of tales of his home country.

In a very short time "le petit Liszt" was the great Paris sensation. The old noblesse tried to spoil him with flattery, the Duchesse de Berri drugged him with bonbons, the Duke of Orleans called him the "little Mozart." He gave private concerts, at which Herz, Moscheles, Lafont, and De Beriot, assisted. Rossini would sit by his side at the piano, and applaud. He was a "miracle."

She could not see her clearly in the moonlight, but she did not like her sitting so quiet and silent. "Yes, very like a play, with 'Herz, mein Herz, for a serenade. What a sweet old tune it is!" "I used to sing it once." And Agatha began following the instruments with her voice. "No, I can't sing. I could sooner cry." "Why? Are you sorrowful?" "No happy. Yet all feels strange, very strange."

Ipsden has been taking lessons on the thinking instrument." Hither. "He has been perdu among vulgar people." Tal. "And expects a pupil of Herz to play him tunes!" Lady Bar. "What are tunes, Sir Henry?" Tal. "Something I don't play, Lady Barbara." Lady Bar. "I understand you; something we ought to like." Ips. "I have a Stradivarius violin at home. It is yours, Talbot, if you can define a tune."

Ich trage unerträgliches, the quotation rose in his mind; he repeated the whole piece, one of the most perfect of the most perfect of poets; and a phrase struck him like a blow: Du, stolzes Herz, du hast es ja gewollt. Where was the pride of his heart? And he raged against himself, as a man bites on a sore tooth, in a heady sensuality of scorn.

In my secret heart, your true friend and admirer, My poor unfortunate brother is dead, which has been the cause of my long silence. As soon as you have replied to this letter, I will write myself to Baron de la Motte-Fouqué. Ich küs-se Sie, drü-cke Sie an's Herz! Vienna, Jan. 20, 1816. The Symphony is to be dedicated to the Empress of Russia.

"Weh denen, die auf Dich vertraun, an Dich Die sichre Huette ihres Glueckes lehnen, Gelockt von deiner geistlichen Gestalt. Schnell unverhofft, bei naechtlich stiller Weile, Gaehrts in dem tueckschen Feuerschlunde, ladet, Sich aus mit tobender Gewalt, und weg Treibt ueber alle Pflanzungen der Menschen Der wilde Strom in grausender Zerstoerung." WALLENSTEIN. "Du schilderst deines Vaters Herz.

Let but the heart once awake, and wave follows wave of newborn feelings "So bald sich das Herz ergiesst, Stromt Welle auf Welle!" I only know that I was as happy as possible, and astonished everybody by the breakfast I ate. You fancy, perhaps, that I wasn't really in love, or I wouldn't probably have been hungry? Nonsense!