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Vell, sat is vun sing se preacher forget to say May be he haf not se time, but I sink he forget: sat sare is no hussbandt in se whole vorldt and also sare is no vife so sp' spirit' spirited? no? Ah, yes spiritual! yes, sank you. Vhen I catch me a bigk vord I am so proudt, yet, as I hadt a fish caught!" I was willing to believe it, but thought how still more true it was of Mrs. Fontenette.

If she was doing well, well; and if not, he would spare us the pain of informing or deceiving him. Senda became a kind of chief-of-staff for both sides of the street. She would have begged to be Mrs. Fontenette's nurse, but for one other responsibility, which we felt it would be unsafe, and she thought it would be unfair, for her to put thus beyond her own reach: "se care of mine hussbandt."

"No," said the unruffled speaker, "I chust said I vill come; yes; to show her a new vay to remoof, remoof? is sat English? So? A new vay to remoof old stains." "A new way " responded Fontenette, with an air of gravest interest in all matters of laundry. "Yes," she repeated, as simply as a babe, "a new vay; and I sought I come now so to go home viss mine hussbandt."

But the gentle speaker had not paused. "Sare iss no vife so spiritual," she repeated, triumphantly, "and who got a hussbandt so spiritual, sat eeser vun do you say 'eeser vun'?" "Either one," said her hostess, reassuringly. "Yes, so spiritual sat eeser vun can keep sat rule inside to be pairfect' clean, if sat vun do not see usseh vun idealize." I made a stir "Hmm!"

She wore a plain path across the unpaved street to our house, and another to our neighbor's. "Sat iss a too great risk," she compassionately maintained, "to leaf even in se daytime sose shiltren so late sick alone viss only mine hussbandt and se sairvants!" The doctor was concerned for Mrs. Fontenette from the beginning.

I sink mine hussbandt never be satisfied viss a vorld not full of vorms and bugs; and I am glad to stay alvays viss mine hussbandt." "And I reckon he thinks you're big enough world for him, just yourself, doesn't he?" "No." She seemed to speak more than half to herself. "A man see se lightening! a man who can be satisfied viss a vorld no bigger as I can by mineself gif him mine Kott!

To be glad of it, you needed only to hear Senda allude to him as "Mine hussbandt." Why did she never mention him in any other way? The little woman was a riddle to me. I did not see how she could give such a man such a love, and yet I never could see but she was as frank as a public record.

Fontenette was saying, when Senda interrupted: "Ah! vhat vife is sat? In vhat part of se vorldt does she lif, and how long she is marriedt? No-o, no! Sare is only vun kindt of vife in se whole vorldt vhat realize her ideal hussbandt; and sat is se vife vhat idealize her real hussbandt.

Stranger still was it how she could be the marital partner the mate, to speak plainly of such a one, without showing or feeling the slightest spiritual debasement. Finally, however, I caught some light. I had stepped over to ask after "Mine hussbandt," everyone else of us being busy with our own sick. Senda was letting Fontenette take her place in the sick-room, which, of course, was shut close.

Also not se hussbandt and se vife only; I sink you even cannot much Christ-yanity practice vis anybody close related vissout you idealize sem. But ze hussbandt and vife "You remembeh sat sehmon, 'Be' O yes, of course.