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A good deal of his labor was wasted, for the Scarrowmania was rolling viciously, and as soon as a few were placed upright half of them collapsed again. Wyllard glanced towards the boys compassionately. "I believe most of them have had nothing to eat since they came on board, though it isn't the company's fault," he said.

I hastened to her side, pitying her deeply in her disappointment. She gave me a dazed look, scarce seeming to recognize me; I paused an instant and held out my hand, but she did not seem to notice it. She looked so wan and wretched I felt I must try to comfort her, though at the risk of Mr. Winthrop's displeasure. "You are not looking well," I said compassionately.

She glanced involuntarily at her sandals, worn and dusty. "Yes," he said compassionately, following her eyes. "But let me see no more, else I meet this good and burdened Momus with the flat of my hand when he comes! What is he to you?" "My servant now almost my father!" she insisted, trying to cover the tacit accusation that she had made in admitting by a glance that she was weary.

Forder; "an' the worst on't was simple old Pappy Flanders went an' told the Knowles gals themselves that folks thought the ole Cap'n come back an' got it, and Hannah done wrong to cuss Enoch Holt an' his ginerations after him the way she done." "I think it took holt on her ter'ble after all she'd gone through," said Mrs. Downs, compassionately.

Eleanore supported her chin on her hand, and looked at her compassionately. Gertrude began to tremble in her whole body, and, without raising her head, she stretched out her arms to Eleanore. Though quite unable to interpret this accusing gesture, Eleanore was terrified. The next time Daniel came, he resumed his seat by the stove, and remained silent for a while.

She fixed her eyes upon him. Insensibly the priest's expression had changed; the priestly caution, the priestly instinct had returned. He looked at her steadily and compassionately. 'Is there no one, Madame, to whom you might more profitably make this confession no one who has more claim to it than I? 'No one. 'I cannot refuse, he said, uneasily.

She looked at him compassionately for a moment, then rose. "It is best that you should be informed as to your probable condition," she said. "In Lamour's works, volume nine, you had better read exactly what Lamour says. Do you mind coming to the office with me, Mr. Carden?" "Now?" "Yes. The book is there. Do you mind coming?" "No no, of course not."

"I think I see the bottom, sir, and there seems to be stuff in it. Would you like to feel, young man?" "No, no! I! It is I to me the right to find them!" cried Margot, flinging herself between, and downward on the floor. "But, Margot, little girl, don't be so sure. It's scarcely probable " began Adrian, compassionately, shrinking from sight of her bitter disappointment, should disappointment come.

With their fine noses in the air, and their proud necks compassionately turned toward her, they are waiting, while she pushes, panting and shrieking, through the stout fern-stems; then, leap cruelly away in airy bounds. "If I am not back by Christmas " says Sir Roger, presently.

"I should want to think about it before I said anything." "You are right," he submitted, dropping his outstretched arms to his side. "I have been thinking only of myself, as usual." "No," she protested, compassionately. "But doesn't it seem as if we ought to be su'a, this time?