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We had not eaten a dozen mouthfuls when we say a man running down the hill with a branch in each hand. As soon as he appeared, a number of the Mexicans left their occupations and hurried to meet him. "Siete horas!" shouted the man. "Seven hours, and no more!" "No more than seven hours!" echoed the Tzapotecans, in tones of the wildest terror and alarm. "La Santissima nos guarde!

Francezka continued in a voice half laughter and half tears: "And around the sun-dial are the words: Horas non numero nisi serenas I read it 'Only the sunny hours I mark. Oh, what serene and sunny hours shall I have in that garden! There is no spot at Capello I love so well no spot in the world I love so well. It shall not be touched it shall remain green and mossy and secluded just as it is now.

"I mean good for some people and not others." "So-so. Your madre, Gabriela, may probably kill me for saying it but I think you're right. I mean you need kid school and teenager school. Nobody should to be a dummy but some maybe they find that special thing not in classes. You go to bed soon?" "Pronto." "Pronto. Excelente. Necesitas dormir las horas bastante para tener un dia grande por la manana.

"'Horas non numero nisi serenas. Uncle Samuel, who sits by me, has just been reading the above motto, the inscription on a sun-dial in Venice. It strikes me as having a distant relationship to what I was going to say. I have come to a firm resolution to count no hours but unclouded ones, and to let all others slip out of my memory and reckoning as quickly as possible. . . .

"Domine in unione illius divinae intentionis qua ipse in terris laudes Deo persolvisti, has tibi Horas persolvo," "O Lord, in union with that divine intention wherewith Thou whilst here on earth Thyself didst praise God, I offer these Hours to Thee."

A bitti chavo jalled adree the boro gav pash his dadas, an' they hatched taller the hev of a ruppenomengro's buddika sar pordo o' kushti-dickin covvas. "O dadas," shelled the tikno chavo, "what a boro choromengro dovo mush must be to a' lelled so boot adusta rooys an' horas!" "O father," cried the small boy, "what a great thief that man must be to have got so many spoons and watches!"

He had entered it on account of the Carpe horas, and had returned thither on account of the Carpes au gras. There they drank, there they ate, there they shouted; they did not pay much, they paid badly, they did not pay at all, but they were always welcome. Father Hucheloup was a jovial host. Hucheloup, that amiable man, as was just said, was a wine-shop-keeper with a mustache; an amusing variety.

With unmistakable ease, and with the trained accent of the scholar, he was reading aloud the Latin inscription on the dial: "'Horas non numero nisi serenas, 'I count no hours but unclouded ones," he translated then, slowly, though with confidence. "That's pretty; but what does it mean about 'counting'?" Miss Holbrook rose to her feet.

En Moliere y en Moratín no se encuentra un solo plan de esta especie: el poeta cómico no debe hacer hipótesis; debe sorprender y retratar a la naturaleza tal cual es; esta comedia hubiera requerido una mujer realmente enamorada, y que realmente hubiera hecho una locura, como en el Viejo y la Niña sucede; verdad es que entonces no hubiera podido ser dichoso el desenlace, y acaso habrá huido de esto el señor Gorostiza; éste era defecto del asunto, así como lo es también la aglomeración en horas de tantas cosas distintas, importantes, y regularmente más apartadas entre en el discurso de la vida.

Well, my insides are out of order, and I prescribes for myself black draughts `omnes duas horas sumendum; and now he says that, as the ingredients are all gone, I shan't take any more." "And pray what were the ingredients, Tom?" "Why, laxative and alterative, as suits my complaint Extract. liquor. aqua pura haustus." "And what is that?"