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"Where do ye hail from?" "Cobleskill." "On business for Judge Westbrook?" "Yes." "Writs to serve?" "Yes," I answered with no thought of my imprudence. "Say, young man, by hokey nettie! I advise you to turn right around and go back." "Why?" "'Cause if ye try to serve any writs ye'll git into trouble." "That's interesting," I answered.

He'll hunt those sneak thieves into h-ll but what he'll get 'em, and," he went on still more slowly, "by the livin' hokey! I reckon, sonny, that's jest how ye'll get your chance to chip in!" "I don't understand," said Brice impatiently.

"Young'un, I say, take your hand out of my neckhan'kercher! Hold up! None o' yer chokin' games! Quit, I say! or, by hokey, I'll settle ye!" "Thoughtsh'dmakeyesquawk, ol't'bacc'worm! Go'n'tocl'out? Go'n'tovacateprem'scs?" "Ooo-arr-awkk!" said the man, under the pressure of a tightening cravat, at the same time giving the assailant "a settler," as he had threatened.

Crump happily interposed, by asking Jack to go round to the grocery, in the next street, and buy a pint of milk. Jack took his cap and started, with alacrity, glad to leave the dismal presence of Aunt Rachel. He had scarcely opened the door when he started back in surprise, exclaiming, "By hokey, if there isn't a basket on the steps!" "A basket!" repeated Mrs. Crump, in surprise.

He had been alive to every turn and phase of it the horse's quiver of delight and fear, his skittishness, the groom's ill-temper, and Gourlay's grinding will. Eh, but his father was a caution! How easy he had downed Jock Gilmour! The boy was afraid of his father himself, but he liked to see him send other folk to the right about. For he was John Gourlay, too. Hokey, but his father could down them!

It would be a grand notion now to set up a paper for Ulstermen who can't find anything in London that's fit to read. By the Hokey O, that would be a grand notion. We could call the paper To Hell With the Pope or No Surrender!..." "Ah, quit your codding," John interrupted. "You know rightly what's wrong with these London papers. They're not telling the truth!"

But, by hokey, he's on the road selling goods to-day, and another man lives in his nice house." "What brings them down?" "Big head, almost altogether. They get the big head; they fancy they are all Claflins or Stewarts, and they suddenly drop through a hole. It's almighty hard to be successful and not take to worshiping yourself.

But as I did not know the proper mantra for use upon such an occasion, I supplied one from memory, saying, in a hushed voice, "Hokey pokey winky wum," as I laid each one before the benignly-smiling statue. I have no doubt from their faces the priests imagined I was uttering a most powerful spell or prayer in my own language.

Jack took his hat and started with alacrity, glad to leave the dismal presence of Aunt Rachel. He had scarcely opened the door when he started back in surprise, exclaiming: "By hokey, if there isn't a basket on the steps!" "A basket!" repeated his mother, in surprise. "Can it be a New Year's present? Bring it in, Jack."

I thought as how as the young woman might want to shed some of them air wet feathers of her'n, and so I jist venter'd to go and git this yer bag 'thout axin' no leave nor license, while you was a-bringin' on her to. Looks pooty peart, by hokey! Now, mister, we ha'n't got no spar rooms here. But you and me'll jes' take to the loff thar fer a while, seein' our room is better nor our comp'ny.