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That," faintly, "he apol-o-gizes and steps aside; that, with all his heart it's there, if it is a madcap " wanderingly, winkingly, he touched his left breast "he hopes that, a year from now, the highways of the hea-vens may be opened the im-mor-tal Thun-der Bird will fly!" A year from then it did!

And now it was not only the diary but the Thunder Bird, itself, that was lost, astray in space, and she with it! She was trying to catch it by the fiery tail-feathers when, all of a sudden all of a sober sudden those feathers became soft, flopping, buffeting, real. They brushed her parted lips. They flopped against her cheek. They even mopped the dews of slumber from her eyes. "Hea-vens!

"Well well, he'll have tears in his eyes before I go after him!" And with that there was the rasp of a third "niggling" match, faintly-heard, far in, a momentary reflection, a tiny glance-coal, in the fissure's leering mouth! And and, following that, a shriek! A shriek, headlong, sinking and pitching dying like a falling star, as if some clutch were stifling it. "Hea-vens!"

Ruddy, the slipslop explorer, had gone in heels over head, so to speak. He was hanging by the heels now. Nothing visible of him but those pinioned feet! "Hea-vens! he did strike a blind bargain. S-such a snag! The passage ends here. A drop! A blank fall of rock! Gee-ee!" Dank dank as cave-tears now was the moisture upon Stud's forehead. For the first time his teeth almost chattered.