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And it was at this opportune moment that Mary Magdalen led around a corner of Hynds House no less personages than Mrs. Haile and Miss Martha Hopkins. Their eyes fell upon Doctor Richard Geddes. They looked at each other. They looked at Alicia and me. And I knew their thoughts: "Sirens, both of you!" said Miss Hopkins's eyes. "How do you do, Doctor Geddes!" said both ladies, as demurely as cats.

Perhaps it was gathered during the invocating influence of the following charm, which may be found in the 12th book, chap. XIV. p. 177 of "Scot's discovery of witchcraft," which is headed thus: "Another charme that witches use at the gathering of their medicinal herbs." Haile be thou holy herbe, Growing in the ground. And in the mount Calvaire First wert thou found.

That she had changed her mind, or at least her tactics, in regard to us was important news. "She came with Mr. and Mrs. Haile," Alicia continued. "It was the first time she had ever been inside Hynds House. Think of that, Sophy! There were some girls here, and a few boys, naturally, Jimmy Scarboro among them. Should you think that accounted for his mama's presence, Sophy?

"Who was he that went out from the command at Gloucester in such a blaze, to adde glory unto conquest, and crown hit actions with a never-dying honour, when he took the strong garrisoned Evesham in a storme of fire and leaden haile; the loss whereof did make a king shed tears? Was it not Massey?" Once more the peaceful vale was destined to become a field of battle.

One of Haile Tabb's boys was bedridden, and he was a great friend of his, and that set him at it." "I don't think he's so much of a crank as he used to be," said someone. The broker who had been his schoolmate met Floyd next day. "I see you have been having a great stroke of luck," he said. "Have I?" "Yes.

Dodd-Tierney, ii., App. xxv. Gairdner, /Heretics Painted mostly by Themselves/, op. cit., iv., 305 sqq. Gairdner, /Hist. of Eng. Church in Sixteenth Century/, 348. Gairdner, op. cit., 370-7. Haile, /Life of Cardinal Pole/, 476-83. See bibliography, chap. ii., iii. /Publications of the English Catholic Record Society/, 1904-14. Birt, O.S.B., /The Elizabethan Religious Settlement/, 1907.

Wee got into it, & the young Captain admired to see a litle thing made of the rhind of a Tree resist so many knocks of Ice as wee met withall in returning. Next day wee arrived at the Fort, & very seasonably for us; for had wee stayed a litle longer on the water, wee had ben surprized with a terrible storm at N. W., with snow & haile, which doubtless would have sunk us.

Ch. in XVIth Century/, 114. /Letters and Papers/, v., 886. Ehses, op. cit., 200-1. Haile, /The Life of Reginald Pole/, 1910, p. 88. /Pol. Hist. of England/, v., 318. /Pol. Hist. of England/, v., 318-19. Ehses, op. cit., 212-13. Gairdner, /Lollardy and the Reformation/, i., 48-52. /Pol. Hist. of England/, v., 344. /Lollardy and the Reformation/, i., 424-35. Cf.

Haile looked at Miss Emmeline almost imploringly: would she, could she, give the ladies a little lecture? tell us things first-hand, so to speak? Miss Emmeline reflected. She looked at Alicia and me. "Could we have it in your delightful library?" she wondered. "That beautiful old room has a soul which speaks to mine.

Mrs. Haile apologized for calling when we were so very busy. They had just stopped in passing, because they were reorganizing their missionary society and wanted to see if they couldn't interest us in the good work. Their day-school in Mozambique needed another teacher, and their hospital in Bechuanaland had to have more beds.