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Punched him afore he cud even pull his gun; never heerd o' no sich miracle afore in this yere camp. Why, Lord, that fellar 's quicker 'n chain-lightnin'; I 've seen him onlimber more 'n once." "I-I reckon h-h-he won't be v-very likely ter l-let up on yer now, M-m-mister W-Winston," put in the young giant cautiously. "H-he ain't ther kind t-ter fergit no sich d-d-deal."

"Now what in creation d'ye suppose is the meanin' o' that all?" said Long Jack, when they were working through the fog once more, damp, dripping, and bewildered. "The way I sense it," said Disko, at the wheel, "is this: The Jennie Cushman business comin' on an empty stummick " "H-he saw one of them go by," sobbed Harvey.

But he let Her take him into Her arms. "I wanted to do it!" he sobbed, desolately, his secret out at last. "Do it? Do what, Reggie?" "M-marry you. I was goin' to do it. H-He hadn't any right to! I hate him I hate him!" A minute there was silence, except for the soft creak of Her dress as She rocked him. Then She lifted his wet little face to Hers. "Reggie," She whispered, "how would a mother do?"

"S-s-says he'll go plumb ter Denver 'fore he 'll g-g-give up, an' if he d-don't f-find any sich he 'll c-c-come back an' p-p-perforate F-F-Farnham." "Bedad!" a tinge of unrestrained delight apparent in the sudden roar, "an' was he hot?" "H-he sure was. He m-m-m-meant business all r-right, an' hed f-f-forty rounds b-b-buckled on him.

"Yes; and he said he was coming to chew you up," answered Whopper, with a wink at his chums. "H-he did!" quaked Simon Lundy. "Sa-say, hadn't we better be a-goin'?" "We are not going to bother to look for him any more," said Snap, who was disgusted with the cowardly and miserly farmer. "We are going on our way." "An' what be I a-goin' tew do?" "Take Mr. Welby's boat back," answered Snap, shortly.

"See here," he said, holding the letter close to his own eyes, still upside down, and evidently reading from memory: "`If Mr Frederick Martin will c-call at this office any day next week between 10 an' 12, h-he will 'ear suthin' to his ad-advantage. Bounce and Brag, s'licitors. There!"