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What's your h-h-hurry. R-r-rome wasn't built in a d-day, I g-g-guess." "Well, go ahead and have it out, because I can see you've got something on your mind. Now, what's eating you, Toby?" the other complained. "I only w-wanted to ask Max if it wouldn't be g-g-ood p-p-p-p" whistle "policy for us to mark the place where we leave the boats. There! do you get that, Bandy-legs?"

Much g-g-good your N-n-number Seven shot'd d-d-do against his t-t-tough old hide!" jeered Toby. "Get out! You don't think I'm such a ninny as that, I hope," answered Steve, indignantly. "Hey, take a look at that shell, and this one, too, will you? Know why that black cross is on them? Course you don't. Well, I'll tell you." "H-h-hurry up then and t-t-tell me."

"D-d-didn't you see, we've j-j-just got to warn our c-c-chums, and s-s-stand that t-t-terrible beast off? H-h-hurry, boys!" "Yes, I see you hurrying," said Steve, with a laugh; "why, you'd fall all over yourself, Toby, and perhaps try to swallow our only hatchet in the bargain. Besides, there's no need of our sallying forth to stand guard over Max and Owen, because here they come right now."

"Maybe it vas so he tink to get you once more, but he not looked dis vay yet. Bueno! I make him dance vis me. Dis man Stutter Brown, an' he go vis you to de hotel; ees eet not so, amigo?" "I-I have no t-t-time," he stuttered, totally confused. "Y-you see, I 'm in a h-hell of a h-h-hurry." "Pah; eet vill not take five minute, an' I be here ven you come back.