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What's your h-h-hurry. R-r-rome wasn't built in a d-day, I g-g-guess." "Well, go ahead and have it out, because I can see you've got something on your mind. Now, what's eating you, Toby?" the other complained. "I only w-wanted to ask Max if it wouldn't be g-g-ood p-p-p-p" whistle "policy for us to mark the place where we leave the boats. There! do you get that, Bandy-legs?"

"I g-g-guess he's eat up all my s-s-string; and now he's hunting f-f-f or the can of b-b-bait." He led them into a thick part of the wood. "L-l-look!" whispered Toby, pointing. "It is a bear, as sure as you live!" exclaimed Max. "C-c-course it is," Toby went on; "w-w-what'd you think m-m-made me run? G-g-guess I know a s-s-stump when I see one." Max held the impetuous Steve back.

When a crow, that had been watching their coming with suspicious eye, gave a series of harsh caws, and flapping his wings, took flight, Andy caught hold of Bluff's sleeve, and gave it a tug. "Q-q-quit t-t-that!" exclaimed Bluff, in a shrill whisper. "G-g-guess I'm k-k-keyed up enough, without m-m-akin' me j-j-jump out of my s-s-skin!"

He had not intended to let himself weep but there was Smiler, wagging his thick tail, waiting to go. "I g-g-guess you better go ahead and hit the trail, dad." "Why, that's what we're going to do. What " Big Jim glanced at his boy. "What's the matter?" Little Jim did not answer, but his attitude spoke for itself. He had decided to stay with Smiler. Big Jim frowned.

"Well, all I c'n say then, is, it's mighty funny," Bandy-legs kept on repeating. "Can't you find the little cardboard box?" called out Max. "Not any; I tell you it ain't here!" came in reply. "Oh! s-s-shucks! you n-n-need a pair of specs I g-g-guess, Bandy!" jeered Toby. "Fetch the bag out here," ordered Max; and as he was the recognized head of the club, his word in a case of this kind was law.

"Sure," laughed Steve, as pleased as a child, his eyes beaming, and his face flushed. "I'll tell you how it is, fellows. Notice this queer mark like a five-pointed star on the shell? I remember stopping to look at it after washing the mud off the outside. Gee! little did I suspect what I was holding in my hand." "G-g-guess not," wabbled Toby.

As the two swimmers proceeded the mingled sounds aboard the Everest seemed to swell rather than diminish, to such an extent indeed that presently the American turned to Dick and gasped, through chattering teeth "S-s-say! s-s-seems to m-me that there's a r-reg-ular pitched b-a-attle going on aboard there ugh! G-g-guess w-we're b-b-better off here th-th-than there eh?"

"Sure we did," grunted Steve, who somehow seemed strangely quiet for him, a fact that gave Max considerable uneasiness, knowing what he did. "And I remember telling you where we did most of our tramping in the water," he observed. Toby grinned rather foolishly. "G-g-guess that's so," he admitted.

He can gain credit there without danger, can learn to command men and to know the great game of war. Nepte and Bescera are pleasant little cities he will be comfortable between campaigns. I'll see he sets out the day after to-morrow, at latest." Two days later, Brinnaria had a visit from Flexinna. Flexinna's eyes were dancing. "G-G-Guess where I've been," she challenged.

"Twice now I've glimpsed something white among the thickets of undergrowth; and you can see that the creek is beginning to swing around so as to lead us in that direction." "G-g-guess you're about r-r-right, Steve!" declared Toby Jucklin, instantly; "to t-t-tell you the t-t-truth, I've been squinting that same p-p-patch of white myself q-q-quite some little time now."