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"Vell, I shut zee window, capture zee moss, ant zen I hunt zee bat with my bootterfly-net for an hour, but have only captured him zis moment. Ant he is sooch a sooch a splendid specimen of a very rar' species, zee Caelops frizii gootness! Zere goes zee lamp!" The crash that followed told too eloquently of the catastrophe, and broke the slumbers even of the hermit.

Give eferypody a chance, and mine gootness, I mighty near proke my pack dot time," for he had come down with a tremendous thump, when his feet slipped out from under him. But as a rule boys are not apt to give a clumsy comrade much sympathy, and hence only rude laughter greeted this fresh mishap on the part of Noodles.

"My gootness, no I was downstairs looking at Holbrook's sdained class, and I shoost thought I'd sdep up a minute and take a beep at your vork." "Much obliged, I'm sure especially as I assume that you don't want any of it." Try as he would, Stanwell could not keep a note of eagerness from his voice. Mr. Shepson caught the note, and eyed him shrewdly through gold-rimmed glasses.

Nothing but the generous promptings of your heart can I hold up before you to extend the charity I now solicit." "You have come here to peg again," he observed, "but I cannot give you anything. Gootness! ven vill te place pe rid of all te peggers?" "I cannot help my position," she said.

"Tank gootness!" roared Stefan. "First I tink dem togs yoost kill you dead. If so I take de pelts off 'em all alife, de scoundrels!" "Oh! Please don't punish them," she cried. "It it was so funny! Oh, dear! I I must stop laughing! It it hurts my sides!" She ran off among the dogs and threw herself down on the crusted snow, passing one arm over a shaggy back.

"And you sphent tirty-tree tollers of it, py gootness," exclaimed Mr. Swartz, in an excited tone. "As you acknowledge the theft," said the Mayor, "I am compelled to commit you to prison until the meeting of the Superior Court, which will be in four days from this." Mrs. Wentworth was then committed back to prison, and Mr. Swartz returned to his store.

Dey comes here and asks for charity and credit, shust as if a man vas made of monish. Gootness gracious! I don't pelieve dat te peoples who comes here every tay is as pad off as tey vish to appear." "You are mistaken, sir," Mrs. Wentworth replied, "if you think I have come here without being actually in want of the food, I ask you to let me have on credit.

"Vell, I shut zee window, capture zee moss, ant zen I hunt zee bat vith my bootterfly-net for an hour, but have only captured him zis moment. Ant he is sooch a sooch a splendid specimen of a very rar' species, zee Coelops frizii gootness! Zere goes zee lamp!" The crash that followed told too eloquently of the catastrophe, and broke the slumbers even of the hermit.

Dousterswivel, is this you? could not ye have let us ken an ye had wussed till hae been present at the ceremony? My lord couldna tak it weel your coming blinking and jinking in, in that fashion." "In de name of all dat is gootness, tell me what you are?" interrupted the German in his turn.

But, my gootness, how can I? I am a musician, I am a composer, I am an arteeste! "For this high and noble office I have been going through a purgatory of preparation in which I have sometimes hardly known whether I was a hurdy-gurdy or an explosion of cats, and the future female jester has even been known to lie down on the floor and cry in her dumps of despair or some such devilry. However, Mr.