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"Ye're no surely frae the Glen, lads?" as the men leaped the dyke and crossed to the back door, the snow falling from their plaids as they walked. "It wes grand o' ye tae mak the attempt," said Drumsheugh, "an' a'm gled ye're safe." "He cam through as bad himsel' tae help ma wife," was Charlie's reply.

In the Maribyrnong Plate, twelve horses were jammed at the second wall. Red Hat, leading, fell this side, and threw out The Gled, and the ruck came up behind and the space between wing and wing was one struggling, screaming, kicking shambles. Four jockeys were taken out dead; three were very badly hurt, and Brunt was among the three.

" Out in the main hall he made a ges. ture of despair to some of his gaping minions and then fled to seclusion. A formidable majority then decided that Coke was a gold fish, and that therefore his proper place was in the fountain. They carried him to it while he strug. gled madly.

Yince a'body was gled to see me, and wad keep me as lang's I wantit, and had aye a gud word at meeting and pairting. Noo it's a' changed, and my wark's dune." I saw fine that the man was daft, but what answer could I gie to his havers? Folk in the Callowa Glens are as kind as afore, but ill weather and auld age had put queer notions intil his heid.

I was gled when we landit at Meg's hoose, for I was expectin' ilky meenit to see the cabby he was an ill-faur'd, rossen-faced lookin' tyke fling Sandy heels-ower-heid into the cab amon' the bairns he was black-gairdin' the man's horse for an auld, hunger'd reeshil, an' praisin' up Donal' that terriple!

A gled is a hawk, and that fierce and beautiful bird would have found its natural refuge among the stanes, or rocks, of the craggy moorlands which surround the "fortalice of gledstanes."

It would have saved me much tribulation, and yourself some extra work, if you had happened to pick it up a month ago!" He hurried to Olivia. "My dear," he said, "I have come upon the oddest secret." His daughter reddened to the roots of her hair, and fell to trembling with inexplicable shame. He did not observe it. "It is that you have got out of the grip of the gled.

"No' that I know of, but when I wis pew opener at St. George's I let in some verra braw folk. One Sunday there wis a lord, no less. A shaughly wee buddy he wis tae. Ma Andra wud hae been gled to see him sae oorit." The eyes of the Jardines were turned inquiringly on their handmaid. It seemed a strange reason for joy on the part of the late Andrew M'Cosh.

'If the lassie I'm lodgin' wi' is in, Teen, ye can tell her I'm no' comin' back. I'm very gled to get quit o' her, onyway, she said, as Teen buttoned on her shabby black jacket. 'What's her name? Had ye better no' write a line, for fear she'll no' gie me the things? 'Oh, she'll gie ye them withoot ony bother; they wadna bring her abune ten shillin's, onyhoo.

Andrew's lip curled as he replied, "No for gowff ava'. Just an auld watter meedie. I'm gled I'm gaun hame." But the inquirer must needs ejaculate, "Hooch ay, she would be ferry coot whateffer if you had peen in Harry Fardon's shoes." There was an exciting finish also to the 1898 Championship, which was held at Prestwick.