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Not until two days later were the details arranged, and then the Spanish commander sent the following letter: “SANTIAGO DE CUBA, July 15, 1898. “Excellent Sir:—I am now authorised by my government to capitulate.

On his seventieth birthday, March 20, 1898, Ibsen received the felicitations of the world. It is pleasing to relate that a group of admirers in England, a group which included Mr. Asquith, Mr. J. M. Barrie, Mr. Thomas Hardy, Mr. Henry Arthur Jones, Mr. Pinero and Mr.

Placing himself at the head of a revolution, he again became chief of the State, which he continued to govern, either from within the Republic itself, or from the banks of the Seine, until 1889, when his power was finally overthrown. Blanco himself made no attempt to return to the country. He remained in Paris, where he died in 1898.

Subsequently it was ascertained that Abdullah and Osman Digna with their retainers sought shelter in the heavy woods opposite Abba island, and they were stated to be in hiding there at the end of December 1898. The Sirdar and headquarters got back to Omdurman on the 25th of September.

Snow was elected President on September 13, 1898, eleven days after Woodruff's death. He followed the usual precedent in choosing my father and Joseph F. Smith as his Councillor's. But he took possession of his new authority with the manner of an heir entering upon the ownership of a personal estate for which he had long waited and which he proposed to enjoy to the full for his remaining years.

Said General Miles, in a letter of instruction to General Schwan under date of August 6, 1898: "You will drive out or capture all Spanish troops in the western portion of Puerto Rico.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 28th day of October, A.D. 1898, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, Secretary of State. EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, May 7, 1898.

In 1870 the island was made a province of Spain, instead of a colony. In 1873 slavery was abolished. Puerto Rico came into the possession of the United States as the result of the recent war with Spain. It was ceded to the United States Sept. 6, 1898. Gen. George R. Davis is now Military Governor of the island. The form of government for Puerto Rico has not yet been decided upon.

However, with an eye upon future contingencies, my father exacted from me in writing this full account of my adventure, which with all the solemnity of an oath I here declare to be the true story of what befell me in the house called Spencer's Folly, on the night of awful storm, September Eleventh, 1895. Witnesses to above signature, Shelby........November 7, 1898.

In some districts seven thousand pounds per mile was the cost, and it is probable that six thousand pounds sterling per mile would not be a bad estimate of the total amount appropriated for the construction of the line from a loan of 200,000,000 francs asked for in 1898 by the Colonial Council in connection with the program for a network of railways in and about French Indo-China.