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She bit each dollar to test it, remarking finally: "Why, hit's genuwine!" Jack laughed. "Why, hit's mo' money'n I've seed fur years," she said "I won't hafter hunt fur 'sang roots to-morrow." "Jack," said the Bishop, after the others had retired, and the two men sat in Captain Tom's cabin "Jack, I've been thinkin' an' thinkin' I must make some money." "How much?" asked Jack. "A thousand or two."

I think it must be a lady, a lady, I think it must be a genuwine lady, She carries her head so high." In the moonlit garden of the Casino at Monte Carlo Miles Chandon smoked a cigar pensively, leaning against the low wall that overlooks the pigeon-shooters' enclosure, the railway station and the foreshore. He was alone, as always.

So, says I, stranger captain, sais I, is all these forks and spoons, and plates and covers, and urns, and what nots, rael genuwine solid silver, the clear thing, and no mistake. 'Sartainly, said he, 'we have nothin' but silver here. He did, upon my soul, just as cool, as if it was all true; well you can't tell a military what he sais ain't credible, or you have to fight him.

The old woman stood dazed, and gazing sillily. Then she took up one of the coins and bit it gingerly. "In God's name, Hillard Watts, what does all this mean? Why, it's genuwine gold." "It means," said the old man cheerily, "that Shiloh an' the chillun will never go into that mill ag'in that old Ben Butler has give 'em back their childhood an' a chance to live.

Dat's whar I takin my lesson." "Sho, gen'l'muns! 'pears to me lak you don't nebber go on er deep-sea v'yge whar you gets de genuwine joe-flogger, an' de plum-duff, an' sich like," said Nimbus, the yacht's cook. "Ef you had, you wouldn' talk."

Whether it takes nine tailors to make a man, I can't jist exactly say, but this I will say, and take my davy of it too, that it would take three such goneys as these to make a pattern for one of our rael genuwine free and enlightened citizens, and then I wouldn't swap without large boot, I tell you. Guess I'll go, and pack up my fixing and have 'em ready to land." He now went below, leaving Mr.

I ought not to speak thus; prudence forbids it, national pride forbids it; but genuwine feelings is too strong for polite forms. 'Out of the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh. Have you been there?" "Turkey" was thrown off his guard, he opened his wallet, which was well stocked, and retailed his stories, many of them so very rich, that I doubted the capacity of the Attache to out-Herod him.

The bay broke up into porridge-ice after that big storm around New Year's; yew dasn't risk a scooter on it or a cat-boat. Feels to me," he added, as he rose to his feet, "as if it was blowin' up a genuwine old nor'-easter again." The other man helped him clear the table. "I'm goin' to get married in June," he said suddenly, "and give up this here blamed Service."

He hadn't a doubt of it. With a thumb jerk toward the beating engine, Bob took up again his story. "Got a bunch of thugs over there right now ready for business if necessary. Imported plug-uglies and genuwine blown-in-the-bottle home talent. Shorty's still one of the gang, and our old friend Dug Doble is boss of the rodeo. I'm lookin' for trouble if we win out and get to oil first."

"All yo' needs," said the Bishop going to his saddle bags, "is a good straight whiskey. I keep a little a very, very little bit in my saddle bags, for jes' sech occasions as these. It's twenty years old," he said, "an' genuwine old Lincoln County. I keep it only for folks that's dyin'," he winked, "an' sometimes, Davy, I feel mighty like I'm about to pass away myself."