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The bay broke up into porridge-ice after that big storm around New Year's; yew dasn't risk a scooter on it or a cat-boat. Feels to me," he added, as he rose to his feet, "as if it was blowin' up a genuwine old nor'-easter again." The other man helped him clear the table. "I'm goin' to get married in June," he said suddenly, "and give up this here blamed Service."

Before he himself knew it he was standing on the overhang and had shifted his hold to seize the fellow about the waist; then, lifting him clear of the deck, and aided by a lurch of the cat-boat, he cast him bodily into the dory. The man, falling, struck his head against one of the thwarts, a glancing blow that stunned him temporarily.

And Cap'n Catesby-Stuart would grin, and drawl: "'Course, this ain't like a Orham cat-boat, but she does fairly well er fairly. Now, for instance, how does this strike you?" It struck us I don't think any got away. I expected every minute to land in the hereafter, and it got so that the prospect looked kind of inviting, if only to get somewheres where 'twas warm.

Holding the cat-boat on for a time, he brought her about handsomely a little way beyond the brigantine's course, and hung in the eye of the wind, the leach flapping and tightening with reports like rifle-shots, and the water sloshing about his calves bailing-dish now altogether out of mind while he watched the oncoming vessel, his eyes glistening with anticipation.

"I'm looking for a boat," I said; "someone told me that it was here, this is Rogers's Island, isn't it?" "This is Rogers's Island, all right," he answered, "what kind of a boat is it you are looking for?" "She's a white cat-boat, the 'Hoppergrass', or the 'Hannah J. Pettingell', it's more likely that's her name." He looked at me inquiringly with his quick little eyes.

"Would you like to go out?" asked the man himself perfunctorily, as from the depths of a settled despair. He pointed a thumb over his shoulder toward the sloop. The two young people looked at each other. Neither looked at the sky. "Well, I don't know," replied Cope slowly. The sloop was on a pretty small scale; still, it was more to manage than a cat-boat.

The cat-boat drifted into the mouth of a creek where rock and perch were running on the top of the water, and with the tongs Jack Wonnell raised half a bushel of oysters in a few dips, and opened them for the party. Along the shores wild haws and wild plums still adhered to the bushes, and the stiff-branched persimmon-trees bore thousands of their tomato-like fruit.

Then their courses would intersect. It remained to be demonstrated whether the cat-boat was speedy enough to arrive at this point of contact in advance of, or simultaneously with, the larger vessel.

He caught sight of the Celebrity's back between the trees, then he looked at the cat-boat entering the cove, a man in the stern preparing to pull in the tender. He intercepted Mr. Cooke on his way to the beach. "What have you done with Mr. Allen?" he asked, in a menacing voice. "Good God," said Mr. Cooke, whose contempt for Mr.

She was a big, white cat-boat, with her name in gilt letters on the stern. On the day when our voyage began she lay quietly at anchor, well out toward the middle of the river. It was still early, shortly after five of a morning in July. The river was quiet, with only one or two boats moving, as quiet as the streets of the town through which we had walked on our way to the wharf.