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Mostly it's female voices that floats up, and they was all tuned to the saw-filin' pitch. A pasty-faced young gent wearin' a green eye-shade and an office coat comes beatin' it up the marble steps, and I fires a question at him on the fly. "Is it a gen'ral rough-house number," says I, "or have the suffragettes broke loose again?"

"Even Yengeese gen'ral hide whip, when he see enemy. Soldier can't fight when back sore. When battle near, den all good friend; when battle over, den flog, flog, flog. Why talk so? Cap'in nebber strike Wyandotté." "Your memory must be short, to say this! I thought an Indian kept a better record of what passed." "No man dare strike Wyandotté!" exclaimed the Indian, with energy.

"I ain't goin' to let you do no such a thing, darlin'," said Abby Hender, when Marilla spoke of making something that she called "fairy gems" for tea, after a new and essentially feminine recipe. "You just let me get supper to-night. The Gen'ral has enough kickshaws to eat; he wants a good, hearty, old-fashioned supper, the same country cooking he remembers when he was a boy.

I could just tall you how many brave tings he did; how he lash de bowsprit of de enemy to his own mainmast, and neber let her go till he took her, and den was shot through de heart in de hour of victory. Well, de gen'ral say to us `Now, boys, we don't want firing, but just let de enemy feel de cold steel. Dey don't like dat. Soldiers, use bagonets.

"Hain't you got no respect fer the holy institution of matrimuny? and at cet'ry?" he added, wiping his whole face with his napkin. "Much as you hev, I reckon," she retorted. "Of all the amazin' things in this world, the amazinist to me is the kind of people that gits married to each other in gen'ral; but this here performence beats ev'rything holler."

It's comin' warmin' weather now sun gettin' high and mebbe next time he starts for the village the bust will come." "Ain't any one goin' to warn him?" "I can't find it's set down in my duties, marm; and from the acts of the gen'ral run of cowards in this town I don't reckon any one else will feel called on to get near enough to him to tell him. Oh no! He'll fire himself like an automatic bomb.

Why are you here, on the banks of the Kalamazoo, when your path ought to lead you more toward the St. Joseph's?" "Been to Mackinaw. Gen'ral says, first go to Mackinaw and see wid own eye how garrison do den go to Chicago, and tell warrior dere what happen, and how he best manage. Understan' dat, Bourdon?" "Aye, it all sounds well enough, I will acknowledge.

I reckons, speakin' free an' free as between fellow sports, that in order for that execootion to be a blindin' success I'll have to be thar personal? "'It's one of the mighty few o'casions, responds the marshal, 'when your absence would shorely dash an' damp the gen'ral joy. As you says, you'll have to be thar a heap personal when said hangin' occurs.

I stood forninst him, an' 'twas not me oi alone that cud tell Peg was dhrunk as a coot. 354 "Good mornin', Peg, I sez, whin he dhrew breath afther dursin' the Adj'tint-Gen'ral; 'I've put on my best coat to see you, Peg Barney, sez I. "Thin take Ut off again, sez Peg Barney, latherin' away wid the boot; 'take ut off an' dance, ye lousy civilian! "Wid that he begins cursin' ould Dhrumshticks, being so full he dane disrernimbers the Brigade-Major an' the Judge-Advokit- Gen'ral.

The last form of maverick bursts frequent into Western bloom; it's their ambition, that a-way, to deloode you into deemin' 'em as fresh from the States as one of them tomatter airtights. "Thar's old gent Jeffords; he's that sort. Old Jeffords lives for long with the Apaches; he's found among 'em when Gen'ral Crook-the old 'Gray Fox'-an' civilization and Gatlin' guns comes into Arizona arm in arm.