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We've tried and tried to find some sort of place where we belonged, and we couldn't. We haven't got any place to go to. I haven't got a place on earth to call my home. "And it's something a woman wants sometimes," she added after a while, dabbing her wet handkerchief against her eyes. "That's the Gawd's truth."

W'y, 'yn't Hi halmost learnt me letters off from bundle carts an' 'oardings? M, he, hay, t that spells 'beef. The bobby on hour beat, 'e told me, an' Hi 'yn't fergot a mite. T, haych, he, hay, t, r, he, spells 'show. 'E told me that, too. Hi 'yn't one as would st'y hignorant, Hi 'yn't." "Fer Gawd's sake!" said the officer, entirely nonplussed by this display of the girl's erudition.

Where is he? The nearest one comes to him is the pop-eyed man at the door. Once in a while Ida hollersFor Gawd's sake, girls, work faster!” Now that doesn't inspire to increased production for long. There stands Tessie across the table from mepeasant Tessie from near München, with her sweet face and white turned-up cap.

Tessa stood up on the after-thwart, and watched through Atkin's glasses; the heavy bullets all fell short. "Never mind, lads," said Atkins. "God Almighty ain't going to let those two men escape. Now, Harvey, what about ourselves? What is it to be? Ponape, or the nearest land?" "The nearest land, tor Gawd's sake," sobbed Jessop.

And how well he could play any rôle he chose! He cleared his throat, and addressed his companion in broad cockney. "Gawd's truf, Sammie!" he said. "If this fair don't look like a bit of 'ome. Ain't spotted the briny for a dog's age. Let's 'ave a drink." Someone turned at his raucous voice and looked back over the curve of a huge shoulder.

Let up, will yehs! Give me a minute's res', can't yehs? Yehs makes me tired, allus taggin' me. See? Ain' yehs got no sense. Do yehs want people teh get onto me? Go chase yerself, fer Gawd's sake." The woman stepped closer and laid her fingers on his arm. "But, look-a-here " Jimmie snarled. "Oh, go teh hell."

But f'r Gawd's sake, look at what it means to me! Anny minute I'm on the job I'd be lookin' to see some bull with a star on 'im holdin' a gun on me; and after that, it's this f'r mine" with a jerk of the head and a pantomimic gesture simulating the hangman's knot under his ear. "That is your risk," said Blount coldly, making this small concession to the expiring sense of uprightness.

Five ales in an hour and not a dozen words; just an ordinary Britisher who didn't know how to amuse himself in Gawd's own country. Jameson's head fell upon his arms. With assured step Thomas walked toward the corridor which divided the so-called wine-rooms. At the end of the corridor was a door. He did not care where it led so long as it led outside this evil-smelling den.

"Yer've got a lot ter say about the feelin's. Suppose I tell yer there's somethin' in me trembles w'en I touch this kid? I felt like a damned fool at first, but I'm gittin' used to it." "That's yer own flesh an' blood a-callin' yer, Joe," cried Mrs Yabsley, in ecstasy "the sweetest cry on Gawd's earth, for it goes to yer very marrer."

"Look at his jaws, an' his shoulders " "An' his big feet, an' his soft throat, an' the clumsy thickness of his belly," interrupted the Kootenay man. "For Gawd's sake, man, take my word for it, an' don't put your money on the Dane!" Others thrust themselves between them. At first Kazan had snarled at all these faces about him.