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"She has a rule in dis house dat nobody can use huh chiny or fo'ks or spoons who ain't boa'ding heah, and de odder day when yuh asked me to bring up a knife and fo'k she ketched me coming upstairs, and she says, 'Where yuh goin' wid all dose things, Annie? Ah said, 'Ah'm just goin' up to Miss Laura's room with dat knife and fo'k. Ah said, 'Ah'm goin' up for nothin' at all, Mis' Farley, she jest wants to look at them, Ah guess. She said, 'She wants to eat huh dinner wid 'em, Ah guess. Ah got real mad, and Ah told her if she'd give me mah pay Ah'd brush right out o' here; dat's what Ah'd do, Ah'd brush right out o' here."

And then clear and distinct there rang out on the night air, a queer old continental command: "Fix, pieces!" They did not know what this meant at first. But some old men in the line happened to remember and fixed their bayonets. Then there was clatter and clank down the entire line as others imitated their examples. "Poise, fo'k!" rang out again more queerly still.

'Yi, lad; He will, forsure. 'An' haa long does He keep 'em in when He gets 'em theer? Till to-morn t'neet? 'Longer lad. 'Till Kesmas? 'Yi, lad. 'Longer nor Kesmas? 'Yi, lad. But ne'er heed. Here's summat to eat. Sithee, I baked thee a pasty. 'I noan want th' pasty, gronny. I want to yer abaat th' hoile. Haa long does God keep bad fo'k in it? 'Ey, lad. I wish thaa'd hooisht!

'But you know there was One who said, "Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that borroweth turn not away." 'Yi, but He didn'd live at Rehoboth. Th' pulpit's th' place for that mak' o' talk. It'll do for Sundo; but fo'k as hes their livin' to ged want noan on't i' th' week. 'But is getting a living more essential than doing right?

Penrose, yo' preachers talk abaat th' Cross, and it's o' reet that yo' should; but yo' cannot blame me for talkin' abaat my flute, con yo', when it's bin my salvation? And whenever awm a bit daanhearted, or hardhearted, or fratchy wi' th' missus, or plaguey wi' fo'k, aw goes to th' owd flute, and it helps me o'er th' stile. But it's gettin' lat'; let's be goin' wom'.

The old men who remembered brought their guns to the proper position. "Right shoulder, fo'k!" followed. Then, "Forward, March!" came back and they moved straight at the batteries now silent and straight at the breastworks, more silent still. Proudly, superbly, they came on, with not a shout or shot a chained line with links of steel a moving mass with one heart and that heart, victory.

'Say! why he said he'd oather hev his brass at ten o'clock to-morn, or skift us wi' law. And he'll do it that he will. 'A, lad thaa says truth. Owd Moses'll keep his word; he never lies when he threatens poor fo'k like us. But I never thought it ud come to this.

'But if God puts fo'k i' th' hoile, why shuldn't mi faither put me i' th' hoile? It's reet to do as God does isn't it, gronny? 'Whatever wilto ax me next, lad? cried the worn-out and perplexed old woman. 'Come, shut up th' Bible, and eat thi pasty.

What does hoo want amang dacent Christian fo'k? And so saying, Elias Bradshaw opened a large pocket-knife and closed it again with a sharp click, and then toyed with it in his hand. 'It wur bad enugh for th' owd woman to tak' her back wom', but if we tak' her back into th' Church we's be a thaasand times wur, continued Amos. 'But surely, pleaded Mr.

'Aw welly think he does, lass; but durnd bother him naa. He's happen restin', poor little lad; or happen he's telling them as is up aboon all abaat thee who knows? 'Aw say, Gronny, Jesus made deead fo'k yer Him when He spok', didn't He? 'Yi, lass, He did forsure. 'Who wur that lass He spok' to when He turned 'em all aat o' th' room, wi' their noise and shaatin'?