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The profile of the back and body, the head and neck, carried in undulating lines parallel with the ground, were outlined at one sweep of the pencil. The legs also are well detached from the body. The animals themselves are lifelike, each with the gait and action and flexion of the limbs peculiar to its species.

Great strain is put upon these parts because the biceps brachii is the chief inhibiting structure of the scapulohumeral articulation the one which prevents further flexion of the humerus during weight bearing. Passing, as it does, over two articulations, the biceps brachii has a somewhat complicated function, being a flexor of the radius and an extensor of the humerus.

Such movement is not restricted and flexion of the leg at the carpus in any direction is possible. Crepitation is readily detected and frequently these fractures are of the compound-comminuted variety. The accessory carpal bone may be readily manipulated and when fractured, its parts are more or less displaced.

The hand assumes a characteristic attitude: the index and middle fingers are extended at the metacarpo-phalangeal joints owing to paralysis of the interosseous muscles attached to them; the little and ring fingers are hyper-extended at these joints in consequence of the paralysis of the lumbricals; all the fingers are flexed at the inter-phalangeal joints, the flexion being most marked in the little and ring fingers claw-hand or main en griffe.

Ossification of the cartilages is known by grasping the free borders with the fingers and attempting their flexion; the rigid inflexible ossified cartilage is thus easily recognized. Lameness during weight-bearing occurs in the majority of cases at some time.

So again on the joints of the bones, where reason indicated that no more was required, he placed only a thin covering of flesh, that it might not interfere with the flexion of our bodies and make them unwieldy because difficult to move; and also that it might not, by being crowded and pressed and matted together, destroy sensation by reason of its hardness, and impair the memory and dull the edge of intelligence.

By throwing the hips upward with the sound member it is possible to advance the affected leg with less flexion, hence less pain is experienced in this manner of locomotion. When made to step aside in the stall, a spavined horse will flex the affected member abruptly and when weight is taken on the diseased leg, symptoms are evinced of pain, and weight is immediately shifted to the sound limb.

Barnes, Horrocks and others regard it as physiological; but many consider it pathological; this is, for instance, the opinion of Giles. Graily Hewitt attributed it to flexion of the gravid uterus, Kaltenbach to hysteria, and Zaborsky terms it a neurosis. It really appears to lie on the borderland between healthy and diseased manifestations.

In acute inflammatory affections abnormal heat may be detected in the region of the heel. By exerting tension on the flexor tendon, by means of passive dorsal flexion of the member, evidence of hyperesthesia may be detected. With the hoof testers one may determine supersensitivenss in most instances.

Where pain is not so great that relaxation of parts does not occur, one can, by gently moving an extremity in various directions as in flexion, extension and lateral motion as well as by rotation cause to be manifested this peculiar grating, the friction of newly broken bone. This is known as true crepitation.