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She accepted these conclusions and went about her work, too busy to indulge in hysteria of remorse, repining, self-examination. She avoided Otto, taking care not to be left alone with him when he called on Sundays, and putting Sophie between him and her when he came up to them in the Square.

The extract from the Daily Telegraph which appears on page 465 is a real extract, and records a real case of transmission of hysteria. Upon the same subject I take the following admirable remarks from an article in the Quarterly Review for July 1890, called 'Mesmerism and Hypnotism. The Influence of Magnets.

She had wrought herself almost to hysteria, and, though she could not shed tears, the dry sobs seemed as if they would rend her bosom. Minutes passed. She turned and looked at her sister. Lydia was bent forward, propping her forehead. 'Lyddy, I want you. Lydia came forward. She had been crying. She fell on her knees by the bed. 'Lyddy, what did you mean?

Presently, while her attention was attracted in another direction, he touched the hand with the instrument, when she drew it back with a yell of pain, showing that the belief that her hand was insensible was entirely due to hysteria.

The doctor was immediately summoned, and after some examination he pronounced the child to be suffering form a kind of fit, apparently produced by a sudden shock. The boy was taken to one of the bedrooms, and after some time recovered consciousness, but only to pass into a condition described by the medical man as one of violent hysteria.

Thornton stood between him and Buck, and evinced no intention of getting out of the way. Hal drew his long hunting-knife. Mercedes screamed, cried, laughed, and manifested the chaotic abandonment of hysteria. Thornton rapped Hal's knuckles with the axe-handle, knocking the knife to the ground. He rapped his knuckles again as he tried to pick it up.

At times, the cause being intangible, it may be necessary to change the whole life and metabolism of the patient, as so often necessary in hysteria, neurasthenia, gout, intestinal fermentation and kidney inefficiency.

Apprehension, alarm, excitement, anything but hysteria. The fortitude of generations was hers; a hundred forebears had passed courage down to her. On they stumbled, blindly, recklessly. He spared her many an injury by taking it himself. More than once she murmured sympathy when he crashed into a tree or floundered over a log.

He told me he could swim," Miss Mallory heard herself repeating vaguely. Sorenson and the two Chinese were now eliminated. Señor Rey, disarmed, was not a physical menace; third Chinese was locked in the galley; in a sense Bedient and Framtree equalized; Madame Sorenson was having trouble to overcome her own hysteria; and Adith Mallory uncovered no hostility in the Glow-worm quite the opposite.

"I haven't said anything about it all day, but I met him on the street downtown, this morning " "You met Vilas?" Laura looked startled. "Did he speak to you?" "`Speak to me!" Cora's exclamation shook with a half-laugh of hysteria. "He made an awful scene!