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All the interpreter's cocksureness was gone. He threw the cigar into the sand-box under the stove, and looked on the verge of following it. "Say, you talk of fleecin'," taunted Braden. "Why, you been skinned clean's a whistle! And by a' old fool duffer from Texas!" "I was at Dodge when he come," snarled Matthews, finding his voice. "What you go streakin' off to Dodge for, after the tip I give?"

Sure they say you're going to be marrid some of these days. Well, if you get your wife in my parish, I tell you, Pettier, I'll give you a fleecin', for don't think I'll marry you as chape as I would a poor honest man. I'll make you shell out the yallowboys, and 'tis that will go to your heart, you nager you; and then I'll eat you out of house and home at the Stations.

One night they were fleecin' a stranger an' I broke into the game, winnin' all they had. The game ended in a fight, with bloodshed, but nobody killed. That set Spencer an' his pard Cap against me. The stranger was a planter from Louisiana. He'd been an officer in the rebel army. A high-strung, handsome Southerner, fond of wine an' cards an' women.

I wanted you," Janet whispered. "Durned little cozzler!" chuckled Billy. "I know what yer up t'. Ain't got nothin' t' do yet, over on the mainland; just a lazy little tormint; an' ye want t' cozzen yer Cap'n Billy. Why can't ye jine the army that's plain fleecin' the city folks? They be the easiest biters, 'cordin' t' what I hear, that has ever run in t' these shoals. Reg'lar dogfish one an' all."

"They'll be so easy fleecin' it seems hardly worth while. All they need is liquor, and cards, and dice. Yes, an' a few women hangin' around. You can leave the rest to themselves. We'll get the gilt, and to hell with the dough under it. Gee, it's an elegant proposition!" And he rubbed his hands gleefully. "But ther' must be no delay. We must get busy right away before folks get wind of the luck.