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"Scoot if ye want to I don't care. But ye'll remember that I'll kill that sick kid, Fluke, and Lem'll put an end to the Tarrytown duffer what loves ye. I hate him, too!" Fledra dropped to the floor as if he had struck her. For some moments her senses were gone, and she opened her eyes only when Lon, vaguely alarmed, threw water in her face. Cronk entered the scow sullenly and sat down.

"Why, how could any one read that rubbish NVVG?" "Of course they can, if they know the key. Didn't I say it was written in cipher, you duffer? Every letter you see there stands for something different." "Then why didn't they write the proper letters at once, and have done with it?" grumbled Mugford. "Because, you prize ass," retorted Diggory, with pardonable asperity, "they didn't want it read."

And I find that at home Uncle Dudley is rated somewhere between the fam'ly cat and the front doormat. Mr. Bennett don't exactly gag the old man and lock him in the cellar. He ignores him when he can, and when he has to notice him he makes it plain that he's standin' the disgrace as well as he can. "So you came over with the old sport, did you?" says Bennett to me. "Batty old duffer, eh?

He's a regular duffer a gump." "There's another American expression. Saunders is a most respectable man, I'm sure, and has been in the family thirty-one years. Of course he has a good deal to do just now, with the packing and all. Now, Lion, we shall have to walk smartly if we're to get there at half-after." "All right. Here goes for a spin, then."

I'm an awful duffer at it, by the way." "Mortimer? Is it possible? And he was he bowled over?" "Ra ther! A case, I should say." "How unfortunate. Of course he hasn't the ghost of a chance. Mrs. Groome won't have a young man inside her doors whose family doesn't belong root and branch to her old set. Fine prospect for a poor clerk!" "Jove! I've a mind to stay and try my luck. Oh!"

It was all about branding a female calf; "duffing it" was the vulgar term, and to call a settler "duffer" was more offensive than if you called him a murderer. Mr. Stawell opened the pleadings, brushing up the fur of the two tiger cats thus: "Here you have Mr.

It is a common saying in the Northwest that it takes eight years to make a good Mounted Policeman eight years to jounce the duffer out and the man in; but in the Forest Service, men over forty-five are not taken. For men who serve up to forty-five, the inducements of salary beginning at $65 a month and seldom exceeding $200 are not sufficient to retain tested veterans.

I had pulled his shirt up under his arms, while he was asleep, and as he began to move I took an icicle, and in the dim light of the candles, that were sitting on the table in beer botles, I drew the icicle across Pa's stummick and I said to my chum, 'Doc, I guess we had better cut open this old duffer and see if he died from inflamation of the stummick, from hard drinking, as the coroner said he did. Pa shuddered all over when he felt the icicle going over his bare stummick, and he said, 'For God's sake, gentlemen, what does this mean?

I'd sooner work with you than with any man in creation; but there are difficulties . . . I can't put it plainer and I'm thinking of applying for a Staff appointment. My uncle in the Secretariat would give me a helping hand, if you'd forward the thing with a decent recommendation. But if you think me too much of a duffer for Staff work, I must try for an exchange "

"Well, you get one, then you needn't let them sit on you. I'm flirting a bit just now with the master's daughter fine girl, she is, quite developed already you know! But we have to look out when the old man's about!" "Then are you going to marry her when you are a journeyman?" asks Pelle, with interest. "And have a wife and kids on my back? You are a duffer, Pelle! No need to trouble about that!